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NUI Galway Promotes Italian Language and Culture in the West of Ireland

Thursday, 29 March 2012
NUI Galway’s Italian Studies and School of Education, and St Joseph’s Patrician College (The Bish) have initiated a collaboration which, if successful, will see the establishment of Italian language and culture course in secondary level schools in Galway. As part of this unique project entitled Andiamo, NUI Galway lecturer, Dr Laura McLoughlin and postgraduate student Dr Francesca Magnoni, have designed, and are currently teaching, an eight-week pilot intensive course in Italian with first year students at The Bish. To date 26 students have enrolled in the course. Professor Paolo Bartoloni, Head of Italian at NUI Galway, said: “This initiative has the potential to make a strong contribution to the language proficiency and diversity of Galway and its region, provide continuity and the necessary link between primary, secondary and tertiary level, foster cross-cultural awareness, enhance exchanges between cultures, and strengthen business synergies between Italy and Ireland. Italian at NUI Galway is committed to offer innovative curricula, employing multimedia technologies and related skills developed during years of training and experience in the teaching of Italian as a second language. It is also looking forward to sharing this knowledge with the post primary school sector, establishing effective and productive collaboration between the University and schools in Galway.” At present, there is no Galway school offering Italian as a subject, despite of the growing presence of a vibrant Italian community in the city, and a growing interest in Italian Studies at NUI Galway. Currently Italian is present in primary schools through Community Based Learning, which is coordinated by NUI Galway, and is offered in undergraduate and postgraduate courses and lifelong learning courses with the evening Diploma in Italian at the University. An online Diploma in Italian is also currently being developed at NUI Galway. Andiamo embraces the core elements of best practice and design currently in use in the intergenerational curricular model of Living Scenes* developed by NUI Galway’s Dr Mary Surlis. In this instance the focus will be on the intercultural element of the programme, promoting the sharing of language, culture and heritage and tradition through a structured eight-week pilot programme. The President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, and the Ambassador of Italy, Dr Maurizio Zanini, will award certificates of attendance to the students on Friday, 11 May at a ceremony in Galway. -ENDS-
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Promotes Italian Language and Culture in the West of Ireland
NUI Galway Announce Winners of 2012 Sports Awards

Thursday, 29 March 2012
Guest of Honour Brent Pope to Present Student AwardsNUI Galway has announced the recipients of the 2012 Sports Awards which will be presented by Brent Pope, rugby analyst with RTÉ, at a special ceremony in the Aula Maxima in NUI Galway on Thursday (tonight), 29 March at 6pm. This event is the highpoint of the University sporting year, and celebrates the achievements of NUI Galway sporting heroes during the past year.The awards recognise sporting performance and participation as well as acknowledging students who have excelled in the leadership and co-ordination of their sports clubs.The broad range and level of success of sports at NUI Galway is reflected through this year’s award winners. Sligo’s Des Leonard won a silver medal this year at the World Kickboxing Championships held in Dublin, while Jennifer Byrne was part of the successful Irish U19 Women’s Soccer team at their World Cup in Trinidad. Adam Caulfield led the NUI Galway Water polo team to Victory in the IUSWA national competition.Kathy Hynes, Development Officer, Sport Clubs and Participation: “NUI Galway recognises the outstanding contribution of student athletes across many diverse sporting disciplines for their achievements in sport. Included in the awards ceremony is the recognition of the skills of self motivation, commitment and direction of a particular goal with the tenacity to maintain a consistent application of both behaviour and mind to further the clubs goals. The contribution of student clubs to campus life and the importance of participation in sport and exercise is rightfully recognised and celebrated through this award ceremony.”This year the awards will also remember one of the great contributors to university life over the past 30 years, and the Tom Tuohy Memorial Award will be presented for achievement in rowing. Tom Tuohy was one of the country’s greatest ever rowing coaches, whose association with NUI Galway crews led them to remarkable victories over the years and to numerous national championship titles, International caps and Olympians. Tom had a profound influence on a huge number of people and for the first time this year the inaugural award recipients are the Men’s and Women’s novice crews who enjoyed much success at the National Championships in 2011.Speaking of the special award, Gary Ryan, Development Officer for Elite Sports at NUI Galway, said: “Tom was a great coach, a great leader and a huge influence on rowing in this country and NUI Galway was extremely lucky to have benefitted from his expertise. It is only fitting that we remember his contribution and thank him and his family for all he did for the University and its students and staff over a long period of time.”The NUI Galway Spots Awards also recognise the huge contribution students make to the running and development of their clubs and the opportunities for participation they give to others.The recipient of Club Captain’s Award this year is Louise Riordan from the Ladies Hockey Club recognising the enormous contribution of an individual student to the successful running of sports clubs. As Intervarsity co-ordinator Louise was praised by President of the Irish Hockey Association as the best intervarsity she had ever attended. Louise’s leadership and project management skills have ensured that NUIG Hockey club is firmly on the map nationally.This year’s Committee Person of the Year Award went to Christine Quinn from the Sub Aqua Club. Christine was awarded this inaugural award for her dedication to diving and improving the profile of the club through regional, national and international rankings.The Archery Club took the honours for The Sport Leadership Award which is a partnership between University sports clubs, ALIVE, the University Alumni Office and Student Services. This award recognises the leadership qualities of students participating in sports clubs and the vital role it plays in developing and promoting sport in NUI Galway.The awards have been in existence since 1983, and have proven to be hugely significant to the student body, past winners includ such leading names as Paul Hession and Olive Loughnane (Athletics) Eadoin Ní Challarain (kayaking) Alan Martin, Cormac Folan and James Wall (rowing) and former Irish Rugby captain Ciaran Fitzgerald. 2012 Sports Award Winners: Archery: Darren Wallace from Co. Laois Ladies Soccer: Jennifer Byrne from Athlone, Co Westmeath Boxing: David Martin from Castlebar, Mayo Gaelic Football: Deirdre Brennan from Claregalway, Co. Galway Swimming, Kevin McGlade from Knocknacarra, Galway Hurling: David Kenny from Belmont, Co Offaly Rugby: Carol Staunton from Westport, Co Mayo Waterpolo: Adam Caulfield from Taylors Hill, Galway Gaelic Football: Robbie Kiely from Bandon, Co. Cork Judo: Enda O' Connor from Grattan Road, Galway Mens Soccer: Ger Cheevers from Oranmore, Co Galway Kickboxing: Des Leonard from Riverstown, Co Sligo Team Winners Team Award: Pool & Snooker ‘A’ team - Stephen Dempsey (Capt.), Seamus Keane, Stephen O’Sullivan, Neil Hennelly and Liam Cannon Tom Tuohy Award for Achievement in Rowing: Men’s Novice and Women’s Novice Rowing Teams Club Captains Award: Hockey Club Captain Louise Riordan, Blackrock, Cork City. Committee Member Award: Christina Quinn, Sub Aqua Club from Tuam Road, Galway Most Improved Club: Squash Club, Captain Shane Touhy, Galway Special Achievement Award: Judo Club, Captain Jake Walsh and Vice Captain Sarah Dillon, Coach Colm O' Riordan Participation Award : Athletics Club Dee O' Dwyer and Oisin O'Carroll Recreation Award: Futsal winners "Darren & the B" A group of Arts, Science and Business students Alumni Leadership Award: Archery Club Alive Volunteering Award: Swim, Waterpolo and Lifesaving Club ENDS Fógraíonn OÉ Gaillimh Buaiteoirí Dhuaiseanna Spóirt 2012 Bhronn an tAoi Speisialta, Brent Pope, na Duaiseanna ar na Mic Léinn Tá Duaiseanna Spóirt 2012 fógartha ag OÉ Gaillimh. Bhronn Brent Pope, anailísí rugbaí le RTÉ na duaiseanna ag searmanas speisialta san Aula Maxima in OÉ Gaillimh aréir. Is iad na duaiseanna seo na buaicphointe na Bliana Spóirt san Ollscoil agus déanann siad ceiliúradh ar éachtaí laochra spóirt OÉ Gaillimh le bliain anuas. Tugann na duaiseanna aitheantas d’éachtaí agus do rannpháirteachas spóirt agus tugann siad aitheantas do mhic léinn a bhfuil éachtaí déanta acu i gceannaireacht agus i gcomhordú a gcuid clubanna Spóirt. Tá réimse leathan agus leibhéal rathúlachta an spóirt in OÉ Gaillimh le sonrú i mbuaiteoirí na bliana seo. Bhuaigh Des Leonard as Sligeach bonn airgid i mbliana ag Craobh Cosdornála an Domhain i mBaile Átha Cliath agus bhí Jennifer Byrne ar fhoireann sacair na mban F19 a bhuaigh i gCorn an Domhain ar Oileán na Tríonóide. Bhí Adam Caulfield ina chaptaen ar fhoireann póló uisce OÉ Gaillimh a bhuaigh i gcomórtas náisiúnta an IUSWA. Dúirt Kathy Hynes, Oifigeach Forbartha, Rannpháirteachas agus Clubanna Spóirt: “Tugann OÉ Gaillimh aitheantas d’éachtaí iontacha na mac léinn i measc réimsí éagsúla spóirt. Tugtar aitheantas i searmanas na nduaiseanna do scileanna féinspreagtha, tiomantas agus stiúradh aidhmeanna áirithe chun iompraíocht agus intinn mhaith a chothú ar mhaithe le spriocanna na gclubanna. Tugtar aitheantas d’obair na gclubanna i saol an champais agus do thábhacht an rannpháirteachais sa spórt agus san aclaíocht agus déantar iad a cheiliúradh go cuí ag searmanas na nduaiseanna.” I mbliana cuimhneofar ar dhuine de na pearsa is mó i saol na hOllscoile le 30 bliain anuas agus bronnfar Duais Chuimhneacháin Tom Tuohy as éachtaí iomraimh. Bhí Tom Tuohy ar dhuine de na cóitseálaithe iomraimh ab fhearr sa tír, agus mar gheall ar a chuid oibre le criúnna OÉ Gaillimh d’éirigh leo go leor a bhuachan in imeacht na mblianta, chomh maith le craobhacha náisiúnta, idirnáisiúnta agus Oilimpeacha. Chuaigh Tom i bhfeidhm ar go leor daoine agus den chéad uair i mbliana bronnfar an duais ar chriú tosaitheoirí na mban agus na bhfear a rinne éacht ag Craobhacha Náisiúnta 2011. Ag labhairt dó faoin duais speisialta, dúirt Gary Ryan, Oifigeach Forbartha do Spórt Éilíte in OÉ Gaillimh: “Cóitseálaí den scoth ab ea Tom chomh maith le ceannaire iontach agus bhí an-tionchar aige ar an iomramh sa tír seo. Bhí an t-ádh ar OÉ Gaillimh a bheith in ann leas a bhaint as a chuid saineolais. Níl sé ach cóir go gcuimhnímid ar a chuid oibre agus buíochas a ghlacadh leis féin agus lena theaghlach as an méid a rinne sé don Ollscoil agus do na mic léinn thar thréimhse fhada ama.” Tugann Duaiseanna Spóirt OÉ Gaillimh aitheantas don obair mhór a dhéanann mic léinn ar son na gclubanna agus an deis a thugann siad do dhaoine eile a bheith páirteach. Is í Louise Riordan as Club Haca na mBan a bhuaigh an Duais do Chaptaen na gClubanna i mbliana. Tugann Duais Chaptaen na gClubanna aitheantas don obair mhór a rinne mac léinn amháin i reáchtáil clubanna spóirt. Mar chomhordaitheoir Idir-ollscoile mhol Uachtarán Chumann Haca na hÉireann Louise nuair a dúirt sí gurb é an comórtas idir-ollscoile an comórtas ab fhearr ar fhreastail sí riamh air. Mar gheall ar scileanna ceannaireachta agus bainistiú tionscadail Louise tá club Haca OÉ Gaillimh aitheanta ar fud na tíre. Ba í Christine Quinn ón gClub Fo-Uisce a bhuaigh an Duais do Dhuine na Bliana ar Choiste. Bronnadh an duais seo den chéad uair riamh ar Christine Quinn as a tiomantas don tumadóireacht agus as próifíl an chlub a fheabhsú trí ranguithe réigiúnacha, náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta. Bronnadh Duais don Cheannaireacht Spóirt ar an gClub Boghdóireachta. Is comhpháirtíocht atá anseo idir clubanna spóirt na hOllscoile, ALIVE, Oifig Alumni na hOllscoile agus Seirbhísí do Mhic Léinn. Tugann an duais aitheantas do cheannaireacht na mac léinn atá páirteach i gclubanna spóirt agus an ról lárnach atá aige i gcúrsaí spóirt a fhorbairt agus a chur chun cinn in OÉ Gaillimh. Cuireadh tús leis na duaiseanna i 1983, agus is mór an cháil atá orthu i measc na mac léinn. I measc na mbuaiteoirí roimhe seo bhí Paul Hession agus Olive Loughnane (Lúthchleasaíocht) Éadaoin Ní Challaráin (cadhcáil) Alan Martin, Cormac Folan agus James Wall (iomramh) agus iarchaptaen ar fhoireann Rugbaí na hÉireann, Ciaran Fitzgerald. Buaiteoirí Dhuaiseanna Spóirt 2012 Boghdóireacht: Darren Wallace as Co. Laois Sacar na mBan: Jennifer Byrne as Baile Átha Luain, Co. na hIarmhí Dornálaíocht: David Martin as Caisleán an Bharraigh, Maigh Eo Peil Ghaelach: Deirdre Brennan as Baile Chláir, Co. na Gaillimhe Snámh, Kevin McGlade as Cnoc na Cathrach, Gaillimh Iománaíocht: David Kenny as an Lios Dearg, Co. Uíbh Fhailí Rugbaí: Carol Staunton as Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo Póló Uisce: Adam Caulfield as an mBóthar Ard, Gaillimh Peil Ghaelach: Robbie Kiely as an mBandan, Co. Chorcaí Júdó: Enda O' Connor as Bóthar Grattan, Gaillimh Sacar na bhFear: Ger Cheevers as Órán Mór, Co. na Gaillimhe Cosdornáil: Des Leonard as Baile Idir Dhá Abhainn, Co. Shligigh Buaiteoirí Foirne Duais Foirne Foireann ‘A’ Púil & Snúcair - Stephen Dempsey (Capt.), Seamus Keane, Stephen O’Sullivan, Neil Hennelly agus Liam Cannon Duais Tom Tuohy as Éachtaí Iomraimh Foirne Iomraimh do Thosaitheoirí na mBan agus na bhFear Duais Chaptaein na gClubanna Captaen an Chlub Haca Louise Riordan as an Dúcharraig, Cathair Chorcaí Duais do Dhuine ar Choiste Christina Quinn as Bóthar Thuama, Gaillimh ón gClub Fo-Uisce Club is mó Feabhais An Club Scuaise, Captaen Shane Touhy Duais d’Éacht Speisialta Captaen an Chlub Júdó Jake Walsh agus Leas-Chaptaen Sarah Dillon, Cóitseálaí Colm O' Riordan Duais Rannpháirteachais Dee O' Dwyer agus Oisin O’Carroll ón gClub Lúthchleasaíochta Duais Áineasa Buaiteoirí Futsal “Darren & the B” Grúpa mac léinn sna Dána, san Eolaíocht agus sa Ghnó as Gaillimh go Dún na nGall. Duais Ceannaireachta Alumni An Club Boghdóireachta Duais Obair Dheonach Alive Club Snámha, Póló Uisce agus Tarrthála CRÍOCH
>> Read full story about NUI Galway Announce Winners of 2012 Sports Awards
Iarchéim nua in Ardscileanna Teanga seolta ag OÉ Gaillimh

Thursday, 29 March 2012
Cuirfidh Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh iarchéim nua sa Léann Teanga ar fáil don bhliain acadúil nua seo. Is clár nuálach máistreachta é seo a bheidh á thairiscint ag Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge agus é mar aidhm leis céimithe ardoilte le hardscileanna teanga a chur ar fáil. Beidh an cúrsa seo á thairiscint do mhic léinn ar bhonn lánaimseartha nó páirtaimseartha. Cuirfidh an cúrsa nua MA seo, an t-aon cheann dá leithéid sa tír, oiliúint den chéad scoth sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach ar fáil. Beidh béim ar leith ar chruinnscríobh na Gaeilge, ar mhodeolaíochtaí taighde agus ar an tsochtheangeolaíocht. Beidh deis ag mic léinn díriú ar speisialtóireachtaí éagsúla sa chlár nua seo lena n- áirítear: an t-aistriúchán, ardscileanna teanga agus an phleanáil teanga, rud a chuirfidh lena n-infhostaitheacht agus a fhorbróidh meascán scileanna intleachtúla, eolas agus cumas idirphearsanta a theastaíonn in ionad oibre a bhíonn ag síorathraithú. Dúirt Gearóid Mac Donncha, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, ag ócáid seolta an chúrsa: “Teastaíonn scoth na Gaeilge ó chéimithe agus iad ar thóir oibre in earnáil agus i réimsí gairmiúla na Gaeilge. Níl a leithéid de chlár iarchéime ar fáil ach in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh: tapaígí an deis!” Tá an MA nua ag freastal orthu siúd ar mian leo feidhmiú go gairmiúil trí Ghaeilge, in eagraíochtaí éagsúla, leithéidí institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh, institiúidí aistriúcháin de chuid an Stáit, údaráis áitiúla, eagraíochtaí forbartha de chuid an Stáit, cuideachtaí príobháideacha aistriúcháin, na meáin Ghaeilge, institiúidí oideachais agus eagraíochtaí pobail. Cuirfear tús leis an gclár nuálach seo i Meán Fómhair 2012 in OÉ Gaillimh agus is féidir iarratas a dhéanamh ar líne ag www.pac.ie/nuigalway ag úsáid an chóid PAC GYA94. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais maidir le spriocdhátaí a fháil ag http://www.nuigalway.ie/postgrad/assessmentdates/) Dúirt Dónall Ó Braonáin, Príomhfheidhmeannach an Acadaimh: “Is céim mhór chun cinn d’Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge é an clár nua seo. Beidh sároiliúint ar chéimithe an chúrsa agus creidim go mbeidh tóir ag fostóirí sa bhaile agus i gcéin orthu. Daingneoidh an cúrsa cáil Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh mar lárionad staidéir don Léann Teanga. ” Is féidir tuilleadh eolais faoin gcúrsa a fháil ag www.oegaillimh.ie/acadamh nó ón Dr Conchúr Ó Giollagáin ag 091-595101 nó seol ríomhphost chuig leannteanga@oegaillimh.ie CRÍOCH ___________________________________________________________________ NUI Galway Launches a New MA in Advanced Language Skills NUI Galway has announced that it will provide a new postgraduate programme in Language Studies commencing in September. This new innovative Irish language Masters programme will be provided by Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge at the University and is designed to provide highly qualified graduates with advanced language skills. This new programme is offered on a full-time and part-time basis. This new MA programme, the only one of its kind in the Ireland, will provide training of the highest quality in Applied Irish. Specific emphasis will be placed on accuracy in written Irish, research methodologies and sociolinguistics. Students will have the opportunity to specialise in particular subject areas including translation, advanced language skills and language planning which will enhance their employability and develop a mix of intellectual skills, knowledge and interpersonal competence required in a constantly changing or evolving workplace. Speaking at the launch of the course, Gearóid Mac Donncha, RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, said: “Excellent Irish is a prerequisite for graduates who wish to gain employment in the Irish language professional sector. No other postgraduate programme of this nature is available in any institution other than NUI Galway and I recommend that students avail of this excellent opportunity.” This new MA is aimed at those who wish to work professionally through the medium of Irish in organisations such as European Union institutions, state translation institutions, local authorities, state development organisations, private translation companies, Irish Language media, education institutions and community organisations. This innovative programme will commence in September 2012 at NUI Galway and applicants can apply online via www.pac.ie/nuigalway using PAC application code GYA94. Further details on closing dates can be found on http://www.nuigalway.ie/postgrad/assessmentdates/) Dónall Ó Braonáin, chief executive of the Acadamh said: “This new programme represents a significant step forward for Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge. Graduates of this course will receive the highest standard of training and will, I believe, be sought by employers both at home and abroad. This course will strengthen NUI Galway’s reputation as a key centre of Language Study.” More detailed information about this programme visit www.oegaillimh.ie/acadamh or contact Dr Conchúr Ó Giollagáin at +353 (0) 91-595101 or email leannteanga@oegaillimh.ie ENDS
>> Read full story about Iarchéim nua in Ardscileanna Teanga seolta ag OÉ Gaillimh
Student Volunteers Awarded Presidential Certificate

Thursday, 29 March 2012
ALIVE Certificate Awards Ceremony Celebrates Student Commitment to Community NUI Galway’s Vice President for the Student Experience, Dr Pat Morgan, presented over 950 University student volunteers the ALIVE Certificate for Volunteering at a recent presentation. The ceremony was also attended by Galway City Mayor, Hildegarde Naughton. ALIVE is the onsite volunteer centre for NUI Galway students connecting community volunteer opportunities with over 4,000 students annually. Lorraine Tansey, NUI Galway Student Volunteer Coordinator, said: “If each of the 950 awardees gave just 20 hours to volunteer in the city, and many gave much more, at minimum wage they have contributed €171,000 to the Galway economy. Student volunteering is a two-way street with students learning and benefiting immensely from the experience and organisations and communities benefiting from their engagement. We would like to thank all 300 community organisations for providing great opportunities for our students to learn, grow and develop their civic side.” Mary McGrath, Mercy Secondary School Homework Club coordinator, said: “We are most grateful for diligent NUI Galway student volunteers who are always ready to help us out. They are fantastic.” ALIVE - A Learning Initiative and the Volunteering Experience – was established by the Community Knowledge Initiative (CKI) at NUI Galway to harness, acknowledge and support the contribution the University students make to Galway by volunteering. To date over 7,000 students have been recognised for their volunteering commitment within a variety of pathways, enabling NUI Galway to become a role model in promoting skills related to democratic participation and civic engagement amongst the student body. Students have volunteered in a variety of organisations and organised events throughout the year including Heads Up, Childline, Galway Civic Defence, Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Barretstown and Suas. For further information contact Lorraine Tansey, ALIVE Student Volunteer Coordinator at 091 495346, or email lorraine.tansey@nuigalway.ie. -ENDS-
>> Read full story about Student Volunteers Awarded Presidential Certificate
Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland to Perform at NUI Galway

Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Promoting Peace and Reconciliation and Excellence in Music Education and Performance2,000 children from schools all over Galway County will take part in Galway Peace Proms which will be held in the Kingfisher Hall, NUI Galway this Saturday and Sunday, 4 and 5 February. Performances will take place at 3pm and 8pm on Saturday; Sunday performances will be at 2pm and 7pm.Choirs will perform with the internationally acclaimed Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI), and will be led by Ireland’s premiere conductor Maestro Gearóid Grant. Concerts will feature one of our finest tenors Emmanuel Lawler, renowned Uilleann Piper Patrick Martin, outstanding Violinist Patricia Treacy in addition to magnificent drum and piping corps. The programme is packed full of family favourites and showstoppers as well as powerful anthems from the Ulster Scots and Irish traditions. The CBOI was established as a peace initiative almost seventeen years ago and is made up of 120 young musicians from all over Ireland including Galway. The orchestra gained international recognition following sell out performances at world renowned venues including Carnegie Hall, New York; Chicago Symphony Hall; Boston Symphony Hall, and major venues throughout California and Europe. In 2011 the CBOI won an international award for the “Most Outstanding Performance” at the Shanghai Expo in China. The CBOI will make their London debut at the Royal Albert Hall in October next. The CBOI has performed for President McAleese at Áras and Uachtaráin; for Queen Elizabeth 11 at Hillsborough Castle; for many special international Ministerial gatherings at Slane Castle and Dublin Castle; for numerous national commemorations including the Battle of the Boyne; the 10th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement; the 30th anniversary of the twinning of Listowel and Downpatrick, and the 400th Anniversary of the Flight of the Earls in Rome. The CBOI has developed “Peace Proms” over the past seventeen years as a unique and very special music education programme. 7,000 children from all over Ireland participate in “Peace Proms” annually. “Peace Proms” is supported by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, and the Department of Education and Skills and is recognised as one of Ireland’s most important Arts Education initiatives, providing outstanding cultural opportunities for young people while promoting peace, unity and tolerance through music. The CBOI is a registered charity and totally not-for -profit. All funds generated through ticket sales cover the cost of running this programme in which 7,000 children participate annually. Tickets for the Galway Peace Proms can be purchased from the Town Hall Theatre, Galway or from the CBOI on www.cboi.ie ENDS
>> Read full story about Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland to Perform at NUI Galway