Software Self Service and Remote Installation

The standard University of Galway software build on a University of Galway Windows PCs and Laptops includes the Novell Zenworks Agent.

This agent allows us to deliver new and updated software to your Windows computer.

Who can access this service?

This facility is available to all users of University of Galway owned Windows devices (PCs and Laptops) that connect to the University Network (Cable & WiFi). 

Who cannot access this service?

Users of Linux or those accessing university services from outside the University network cannot presently access this service.

How can I access this service? 

While logged on to your Windows device, navigate to Computer (on the start menu). The following icon will appear in your list of drives


Double click this to see the range of standard free and site licenced software available to install.


To install simply double click the application you require (allow the application time to install, do not double click again). When installation is complete, the application will launch.

The following Software applications are available on all eligible devices:

MS Office (including Visio and Project)
MS Project 
MS Visio 
SketchUp Make 
MapInfo Pro 
MindGenius Enterprise 
TextHelp R&W 
Win Gleacht
Discoverer Desktop
Windows 7 Irish Language Pack : Windows 7 i nGaeilge

How may I request an application that is not available here?

Should you require additional software applications delivered to your PC, log a ticket under the category Desktop Support (Staff & Postgrad) -> Software  -> Software Request detailing the software you require and the hostname of your PC. This can then be associated to your computer and delivered at your convenience.

For Mac users, please click here.

More details on software availability and licensing is available on our software catalogue.

The University of Galway Applications window is not appearing on my PC / Laptop, what should I do? 

If you are using a Windows 7 PC which is connected to the University network (via cable) and you do not see the ‘University of Galway Applications’ system folder as outlined above, then please install the ZENworks agent by doing the following:

  1. Click here and select to ‘Open’ or ‘Run’ the ISS NUI Galway/ University of Galway ‘ZENAgentDownload Windows’ tool – This tool will download and silently install the NUI Galway/ University of Galway ZENworks agent.  Once the download is complete, the installation will proceed and will take approximately two minutes
  2. A manual reboot will be necessary following the installation but can be postponed -  PLEASE SAVE YOUR WORK PRIOR TO REBOOTING THE PC