Thursday, 18 July 2024

New research has revealed that peat soils which are vital for locking away greenhouse gases are much more abundant than previously thought. Data analysed by researchers now suggests that these soils cover 13% more of Ireland’s land mass than previous maps would have shown. The new map includes areas of shallow peat soils, which, crucially also contain large stocks of soil carbon. The maps are useful in land use planning - with peat soils being critical in absorbing greenhouse gases and helping to meet some of Ireland’s most pressing environmental challenges. As recommended by the United Nations Global Peatlands Initiative, the research team from University of Galway, Trinity College Dublin and Queen’s University Belfast, included these shallow peat soils in the new peat map of Ireland. In doing so, they adopted a broader definition of peat soils by including soil material containing 8.6% of organic matter or more that has accumulated to at least 10 cm. The research has been published in the journal Geoderma and can be read here. Dr Terry Morley, University of Galway, one of the co-authors of the research article, said: “Peat soils are important because they help the country meet national and international targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also play a major role in regulating stream flow, water quality, or providing habitat for ecologically sensitive species.”   Dr Louis Gilet, Trinity College Dublin and lead author, said: “Our technique involves continually updating these peat soil maps as new data become available, and this new IPSM can now be used confidently and contribute to a more precise identification of the location of peat soils across Ireland.   “The IPSM can thus help to accurately implement regulations concerning carbon-rich soils and climate change mitigation, while informing management decisions related to other key sustainability issues such as land use planning, biodiversity management or water regulation.”  Historically, interest in peat soils primarily focused on economic productivity, via extraction, or conversion to agriculture or forestry, but in recent years there has been a growing appreciation of their role in regulating environmental processes as well as providing recreational, educational, scientific and cultural value. Dr Raymond Flynn, Queen’s University Belfast, is also co-author of the research article, and he said: “This map changes our approach to mapping peat soils from the traditional approach concerned with agronomy to one where we can now more reliably focus on the role of peat and peat soils in environmental processes.”  Dr John Connolly, Trinity College Dublin, geographer and one of the Global Peatlands Assessment authors, added: “Peatlands hold a significant percentage of Ireland’s total soil organic carbon stock, but they have been severely degraded over the past 200 years due to land use change and associated human activity, resulting in increased emissions from both deep and shallow peat. As a result, accurate identification, mapping and management of peat soils is essential for programmes that aim to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and to improve biodiversity in the Irish landscape.”  This research is part of the RePEAT project, which is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Ends

Monday, 15 July 2024

University of Galway academics Dr Kathy Reilly and Dr Conn Holohan have been awarded ENLIGHT Impact awards for their research endeavours. The awards were bestowed at a special event at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, where the academics were recognised for their impactful projects, highlighting the significant positive change their research brings to society. University of Galway secured two out of the six awards: Dr Kathy Reilly was awarded under the Climate Change category for her work with young people and empowerment to tackle policy. The research involved than 2,000 young people, including those in 11 post-primary schools, in the creation of research tools and educational toolkits, boosting their knowledge and confidence in climate issues. Entitled CCC-CATAPULT: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children’s Agency to Tackle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation, the work has fed into the development of Climate Action and Sustainable Development Curriculum for schools. Dr Conn Holohan was awarded under the Culture & Creativity theme for his Immersive Empathy project on homelessness. The project involved the production of a new virtual reality film Lost & Found which captures the experience of homelessness from the perspective of those who have lived it. The production adopted a 360-degree style of filming to show the viewer a fully immersive world that can be experienced by wearing a virtual reality headset. It was co-created out of the University’s Centre for Creative Technologies, in collaboration with clients from with Galway Simon Community, enabling people who have experienced homelessness to share their stories but also to enhance their lives through greater engagement in work, education, and volunteering. Three of the six people who took part have gone on to study at the University while the film has effectively fostered empathy and positive attitudes towards the homeless. Professor Becky Whay, University of Galway’s Vice President International and University of Galway Director within the ENLIGHT Alliance, said: “These ENLIGHT Impact awards represent thoroughly deserved recognition from across the ENLIGHT University Alliance for both Conn Holohan’s and Kathy Reilly’s research and the longstanding impact it will have on society. Their success is an inspiration for our research community and is a great example of how impact can be achieved.” The ENLIGHT Impact Award is given annually as part of the ENLIGHT European University Alliance, of which University of Galway is a partner, along with nine other universities across Europe. The awards recognise and give visibility to research endeavours that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact.  ENLIGHT includes University of Galway; Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia); University of Groningen (Netherlands); University of Bern (Switzerland); University of Bordeaux (France); Ghent University (Belgium); University of Tartu (Estonia); University of Gottingen (Germany); University of the Basque Country (Spain); and Uppsala University (Sweden). The project is supported by the Government and the European Commission. The aim is for the alliance to develop as a platform for the creation of a new type of European university campus where students and staff have increased opportunities for international study, training, teaching, research and sharing of services. ENLIGHT aims to collaboratively transform higher education, addressing societal challenges and promoting equitable quality of life, sustainability and external engagement with the communities of the partner universities. Ends

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

University of Galway has been named as one of the top universities in Europe, according to the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025. For the second year in a row, the Europe-wide rankings have placed University of Galway 98th out of almost 700 institutions in more than 40 locations. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “Being ranked in the top 100 universities in Europe two years in a row, as well as being recognised as number one in Ireland and among the best in the world for sustainability, is a tremendous endorsement of our community of teaching, learning and research and the culture of the people who work at our university. “I would like to thank everyone across our University who continues to make the effort to be a university for the public good, true to our values of respect, excellence, openness and sustainability. We are a place of learning and research, that goes without saying. We are distinctive by being more than that. Our university community is built around our people whether you are a student, a member of staff, an academic, a researcher, a technician or among the many who keep our operations running every day of the year. We have made great strides in recent years to be more outward looking, creating a space and carving a place for our university and our work, from this place, at an international level. I wish everyone continued success on that journey.   “We are also delighted to see three Irish universities in the top 100 in Europe – with University of Galway alongside Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin. This is testament to the capacity of the academic and research community to achieve, despite challenges the sector faces in terms of funding.”   The QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 recognition also builds on the reputation that University of Galway has earned in recent years for progress on sustainability, having retained the position in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings as the number one university in Ireland; top 5 in the EU; and in the world’s top 50, for progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   More information on the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2024 is available at Ends

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

A University of Galway professor whose research focuses on the biology of stem cells has been elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), Europe’s leading academy across the life sciences. Professor Uri Frank, who is based in the University’s Centre for Chromosome Biology, secured the membership in recognition of his research over the past 20 years. Professor Frank joins two other colleagues from the research centre who have been elected members of EMBO - Professor Brian McStay and Professor Noel Lowndes.             Speaking about his election, Professor Frank said: "I am delighted to join the international EMBO community, whose members perform basic, curiosity-driven research across the life sciences, contributing essential knowledge for future applications." Professor Frank's research addresses fundamental questions in the biology of stem cells, focusing on the role of these cells in development and regeneration. His team has established the jellyfish-related animal Hydractinia as a laboratory model organism for this purpose. These highly regenerative animals are unusual as they do not succumb to age-related deterioration, nor do they develop cancer. It is thought that understanding how Hydractinia's stem cells act in mediating these traits will provide insight into how stem cells function in other animals, including those of humans. Research in Professor Frank’s lab has been funded by Wellcome Trust, Science Foundation Ireland, the US National Science Foundation, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), and by Human Frontiers Science Program. After completing his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, Professor Frank went on to train as a postdoctoral scientist at the National Institute of Oceanography in Israel, and continued for two additional postdoc periods, in Jena and Heidelberg in Germany, before joining University of Galway in 2005.             EMBO Director Fiona Watt said: “The new EMBO Members and Associate Members have made immense contributions to fundamental life science research, and, in many cases, their work has paved the way for innovations that have improved lives and livelihoods around the world. As EMBO marks its 60th anniversary, we celebrate the pivotal roles played by the EMBO Membership in strengthening international life science research and contributing to the EMBO Programmes and activities. I send my warmest congratulations to all those elected.” EMBO Members guide the execution of the EMBO Programmes and activities, for example by evaluating funding applications, serving on EMBO Council and committees, and contributing to initiatives such as training, policy, outreach and mentorship. New members are nominated and elected by the existing EMBO Membership. Ends

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

University of Galway has announced the appointment of leading environmental geographer Professor Frances Fahy as the new Director of the Ryan Institute. A Fulbright Scholar, Frances Fahy was previously Head of Geography at the University and is the past President of the Geographical Society of Ireland.   Professor Fahy currently leads several international research teams on sustainable consumption and energy citizenship research. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Fahy, an accomplished researcher in her field and an exemplary colleague, to lead the Ryan Institute at the University, building on the work of Professor Charles Spillane. University of Galway is ranked #1 in Ireland, top 5 in the EU and among the Top 50 in the world by the THE for our impact in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This work carries a particular resonance in Galway, given our location and the Ryan Institute is a fulcrum of this work.  We look forward to a deepening of the interdisciplinary research that happens at the institute thanks to our academics and the postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and research assistants and the stories of their impact on the world.” Professor Frances Fahy, Director of the Ryan Institute, said: “It is a great privilege to lead the largest research institute at University of Galway, supporting all our colleagues from the natural and social sciences who pursue cutting edge interdisciplinary research that provides knowledge for transformations to environmental, social and economic sustainability for people and our planet." Professor Frances Fahy Bio Frances is a leading environmental geographer and has more than 100 publications to her name, including four books (Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences published by Sage, 2013, Challenging Consumption Routledge, 2014, Energy Demand Challenges in Europe Palgrave 2019 and Energy Citizenship across Europe, Palgrave Macmillan forthcoming in 2024). Professor Fahy has coordinated more than 20 funded research projects and obtained competitive research funding, totalling more than €36 million, including from Horizon Europe, H2020, JPI-Climate, Interreg, the Marine Institute, National Economic and Social Council and the Environmental Protection Agency.  She has supervised 10 PhD students to completion, 11 Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Master’s students, many of whom have gone on to hold key roles in policy and academia. Professor Fahy has also won numerous awards for her research and academic life, including the President’s Award for Research Excellence (2017); Societal Impact (2017); Teaching Excellence (Team Award 2020); and the Irish Research Council’s National Ally Award for Mentoring and Supervision (2023).  Professor Fahy joined University of Galway as a postdoctoral research fellow in 2005 and lives with her family in Corcullen. Ends

Monday, 8 July 2024

A PhD student whose research is developing a tool to score AI for trustworthiness has won University of Galway’s Threesis challenge showcasing the best research communications. Twelve postgraduates took part in the Threesis Grand Finale, sharing the story of their research in just three minutes, using just three slides, in front of three judges and a voting audience. Originally from Moate, Co Westmeath, Louise McCormack secured the top prize for her presentation - Scoring AI for Ethical Trustworthiness. She outlined how her research is helping to shape a future where AI is both powerful and ethical. Through her PhD, Louise McCormack is conducting research to develop a tool to score AI for trustworthiness in line with the Seven Ethical Principles for Trustworthy AI developed by the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI. She is supported in her research by ADAPT, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology. Professor Jim Livesey, Vice-President Research and Innovation at University of Galway, said: “Threesis is one of the highlights of the year for our research community as it provides a snapshot of the ground-breaking research underway by our postgraduate research students. Our 12 finalists were outstanding in their ability to condense their complex and specialised research into just three minutes for a public audience. My congratulations to the winners and finalists, and also to the 80 students who participated in training and heats, and the many colleagues across campus who support this programme.” Threesis is fast-paced research communications competition, with presentations covering a range of topics including saffron farming, solar-hydrogen, bioprinting, contemporary horror and improving road safety. Second place went to PhD student Anastasija (Ana) Walsh, from Dublin, with her talk: ‘Extracellular Vesicles: Tiny but Mighty Messengers Suppressing Anti-Tumour Immunity’. Her research, at the University’s Lambe Institute for Translational Research, is funded by the Irish Cancer Society and focuses on extracellular vesicles - the tiny particles produced by all types of cells which help them communicate and influence each other. Her talk centred on how they may influence the field of cancer research. The audience vote and third place went to Sofiia Tretiak, PhD student based in the University’s Ryan Institute, with her talk on ‘Seaweed Super Solution: Using Ocean Power for Human and Planet Health’. Her research is funded by the European Commission, Cybercolloids Ltd and the Irish Research Council. It explores novel techniques to extract commercially valuable seaweed compounds useful for food, agriculture, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Ruth Hynes, Innovation and Engagement Officer at the University’s Research & Innovation Office and Threesis Programme Director, said: “Ultimately, we aim to maximize the societal benefits and impact of research at the University. Achieving this often requires our researchers to engage across disciplines, collaborate beyond traditional boundaries, and connect with a range of stakeholders. Effective communication skills are essential for researchers to succeed in these areas. The goal therefore of Threesis is to empower our postgraduate research students to make their research accessible and understandable." The Threesis Grand Finale is the culmination of training sessions and competition heats in which 80 postgraduate students took part, before being whittled down to a final shortlist of 12. The judges were John Crumlish, chief executive of Galway International Arts Festival, Sinéad Beacom, Head of the Researcher Development Centre at University of Galway, and Victoria Ward, the previous Threesis winner – with the university’s Dr Jessamyn Fairfield as MC. The Threesis competition was initiated at University of Galway in 2012 and is open to all research students and postdoctoral researchers at the University.   Videos of the winning presentations are available at Ends

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Tá ceapachán an Ollaimh Peter McHugh mar Uachtarán Eatramhach deimhnithe ag Údarás na hOllscoile in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Tagann an deimhniú sna sála ar fhógra an 26 Meitheamh a thug le fios go raibh an cinneadh glactha ag an Ollamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh éirí as mar Uachtarán. Tá an tOllamh McHugh ag feidhmiú mar Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí faoi láthair agus rachaidh sé i mbun ról an Uachtaráin Eatramhaigh i Meán Fómhair 2024. Dúirt Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Cathaoirleach Údarás na hOllscoile: “Thar ceann Údarás na hOllscoile, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur roimh cheapachán an Ollaimh Peter McHugh mar Uachtarán Eatramhach agus guím gach rath air sa ról sin. Beidh an tOllamh McHugh i gceannas ar an Ollscoil ag am ina mbeidh an iomaí dúshlán roimh an earnáil, ach tá seasamh láidir againn chomh maith agus muid ag díriú ar an todhchaí.”             Dúirt an tOllamh McHugh: “Is mór an onóir domsa a bheith ceaptha mar Uachtarán Eatramhach ar Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil le baill Údarás na hOllscoile as a dtacaíocht. Ba mhaith liom freisin buíochas a ghabháil leis an Uachtarán atá ag dul as oifig, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, as an tsárobair atá déanta aige, as a thiomantas do luachanna na hOllscoile mar atá meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht le sé bliana anuas, agus as lámh a bheith aige in institiúid den scoth a dhéanamh d’Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. "Táim ag súil go mór le forbairt a dhéanamh ar an iliomad éachtaí de chuid na hOllscoile. Beidh mé ag díriú ar an gcáil idirnáisiúnta atá orainn as barr feabhais sa teagasc, san fhoghlaim, sa taighde agus sa nuálaíocht a neartú agus a fhorbairt, ar ár ndícheall a dhéanamh chun an t-eispéireas mac léinn is fearr a bhaint amach, agus ar an bhfoireann a chumasú le héachtaí a bhaint amach.” Thosaigh an tOllamh McHugh ag obair san Ollscoil in 1991 agus ceapadh é mar chéad Ollamh Bunaithe le hInnealtóireacht Bhithleighis in 2007. Tá tréimhsí caite aige roimhe seo mar Dhéan ar Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice, mar Cheann Scoile na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice, agus mar Cheann Scoile na hInnealtóireachta. Faoina stiúir mar Cheann Scoile, d’fhorbair Scoil na hInnealtóireachta a plean gnímh don chomhionannas inscne, agus de bharr na réamhoibre seo, bhain an scoil Gradam Airgid Athena SWAN amach in 2022, arb í an chéad Scoil Innealtóireachta in Éirinn ar éirigh léi an t-aitheantas sin a bhaint amach. Ghlac an tOllamh McHugh le ról an Uachtaráin Ionaid agus Meabhránaí i mBealtaine 2024. Tá aitheantas idirnáisiúnta tuillte aige mar cheannaire taighde san innealtóireacht bhithleighis agus cuid mhór taighde déanta aige ar bhunfhorbairtí agus ar fheidhmeanna modhanna ríomhaireachtúla agus turgnamhacha sa bhithmheicnic, i meicnic fíochán agus in ionchlannáin agus feistí leighis. Bhí sé ina cheannródaí i bhforbairt na hinnealtóireachta bithleighis in Éirinn agus go hidirnáisiúnta, agus ba é Stiúrthóir bunaidh an Ionaid Taighde Bithmheicnice (BioMEC) in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe é. Tá lear mór dámhachtainí bronnta ar an Ollamh McHugh, agus san áireamh orthu sin tá ballraíocht in Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann (2011), Bonn Airgid Acadamh Ríoga an Leighis in Éirinn – an Rannóg Bithinnealtóireachta (2011), Ainmní an Uachtaráin do Chomhaltacht Innealtóirí na hÉireann (2009), Comhaltacht Acadamh Innealtóireachta na hÉireann (2019) agus Comhaltacht Alexander von Humboldt (1995). Tá tréimhsí caite aige chomh maith i róil oifigigh in Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann, arb é an ról is déanaí a bhí aige Rúnaí ar Pholasaí agus Caidrimh Idirnáisiúnta, áit a raibh sé ina ionadaí Éireannach do roinnt eagraíochtaí acadúla idirnáisiúnta, lena n-áirítear Comhairle Chomhairleach Eolaíochta Acadaimh na hEorpa (EASAC). Críoch

Thursday, 4 July 2024

University of Galway’s Governing Authority - Údarás na hOllscoile has confirmed the appointment of Professor Peter McHugh as Interim President. The confirmation follows the announcement on June 26th that Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh had taken the decision to step down as President. Professor McHugh is currently serving as Deputy President and Registrar and will take up the role of Interim President in September 2024. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Chair of the University’s Governing Authority, said: “On behalf of the University of Galway Governing Authority, I would like to welcome Professor Peter McHugh’s appointment as Interim President and wish him every success in the role. Professor McHugh will be leading the University at a time which is not without sectoral challenges, but while we are positioned strongly for the future.”             Professor McHugh said: “I am very honoured to be appointed Interim President of University of Galway and I wish to thank members of Údarás na hOllscoile for their support. I also want to thank the outgoing President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, for his outstanding work, his commitment to the University’s values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability over the past six years, and for helping to make University of Galway the world-class institution it is today. “I am very much looking forward to building on the University’s many achievements. My focus will be on strengthening and building upon our international reputation for excellence in teaching, learning, research and innovation, on striving for the very best student experience, and on empowering our staff to achieve.” Professor McHugh joined the University in 1991 and was appointed as the first Established Professor of Biomedical Engineering in 2007. He has previously served as Dean of College of Engineering and Informatics, Head of School of Engineering and Informatics, and Head of School of Engineering. Under his leadership as Head of School, the School of Engineering developed its gender equality action plan, and building on this groundwork, the school went on to achieve the Athena SWAN Silver Award in 2022, the first School of Engineering in Ireland to achieve the recognition. Professor McHugh took up the role of Deputy President and Registrar in May 2024. He is an internationally recognised research leader in biomedical engineering and his research is focused on fundamental developments and applications of computational and experimental methods in biomechanics, tissue mechanics and medical implants and devices. He has been a pioneer in the development of biomedical engineering in Ireland and internationally, and he was the founding Director of the Biomechanics Research Centre (BioMEC) at University of Galway. Professor McHugh has received numerous awards, including membership of the Royal Irish Academy (2011), the Silver Medal of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland - Section of Bioengineering (2011), the Presidential Nominee Fellowship of Engineers Ireland (2009), Fellowship of the Irish Academy of Engineering (2019), and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (1995). He has also served in officer roles in the Royal Irish Academy, most recently as Secretary for Policy and International Relations where he was the Irish representative to several international academy organisations, including the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC). Ends

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

University of Galway has heralded the achievement of student golfer Liam Nolan who has secured his place to play as an amateur in The Open. Liam Nolan has just completed his final year in Biomedical Engineering and is a University of Galway Sport Scholar, supported by the High Performance Unit. He will play in The Open at Royal Troon - one of the sport’s majors - from July 18, lining up against some of the world’s best golfers after securing qualification by finishing 5-under at Dundonald Links in Scotland. University of Galway Dean of Students, Professor Ciara Meehan, said: “On behalf of our University community, I’d like to send a message of congratulations and wish Liam Nolan the very best for The Open. Our University takes great delight and a deep sense of pride in celebrating the achievements of our students, as well as our staff, whether that’s in sporting success or studies, their research, their community or volunteering work or competing, as Liam is, at the top of their game on a world stage. We look forward to Liam being an inspiration for many more sporting achievements at the University in the year ahead.” Liam Nolan said: “I’m thrilled to have a golf game which is strong enough to book a place at The Open in Troon. I am looking forward to being on the course, to enjoying the whole experience of the major and to competing with some of the best golfers in the world. To be one of only a handful of amateurs to get a chance to compete in one of golf’s majors is an achievement in itself, and I am so looking forward to teeing it up.”  Des Ryan, Director of Sport and Physical Wellbeing at University of Galway, said: “Liam Nolan is a great role model and an ambassador for University of Galway, for Galway Golf Club and Ireland. We are delighted to see his hard work pay off and we are delighted to have been able to support Liam through the University’s High-Performance Unit led by Feargal O’Callaghan. We all wish him every success and every bit of luck that’s needed on the famous links. His sporting and academic achievements will inspire many other dual aspirational sports people to achieve great things and many others to participate in sport.” Liam Nolan is a Galway native and his home club is Galway Golf Club. He won the South American Amateur Open in January 2023 and in May of that year he went on to win the Brabazon Trophy. He was selected to play for Great Britain and Ireland against the US in the Walker Cup in September 2023 – a pinnacle of the sport for amateur players. He has also represented Ireland in the European Team Championships and Home Internationals.  Ends

Monday, 1 July 2024

€1.4m Government funding to progress pioneering collaboration for ‘Methane Abatement in Grazing Systems - MAGS’  Projects focus on innovations for feed, manure and slurry and targeted breeding programme  Studies build on research which shows potential for significant methane reduction for beef and dairy farming  Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for research and development, Martin Heydon T.D., and Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland, Andrew Muir MLA, have announced funding of €1.4million for University of Galway to lead a research consortium to pioneer greenhouse gas reduction solutions for agriculture.  Teagasc, the Northern Ireland-based Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) and the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation will work with scientists at the University to expand testing and evaluation of a combination of cutting-edge technologies and farming innovations to lower methane emissions from cattle and sheep.  The research-based project, Methane Abatement in Grazing Systems (MAGS) focuses on evaluating solutions for feed, breeding and manure management.   It aims to apply the most effective feed additives, while improving their formulation for long-lasting effects, in combination with novel genomic breeding and manure management. Scientific analysis will identify the best combinations of strategies which can be delivered on farms in Northern Ireland and in the Republic, through the Teagasc Signpost programme.   Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with special responsibility for research and development, Martin Heydon T.D., said: “The €1.4m committed to the MAGS project (Methane Abatement in Grazing Systems) by my Department, along with the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland, is an indication of our ambition and commitment to reduce methane emissions from agriculture. This project builds on the success of previously DAFM-funded projects in this area, such as ‘MethAbate’ and ‘GreenBreed’.   “The MAGS project will focus on further developing technologies, including methane inhibitors and breeding strategies, for application in beef and dairy pasture-based systems to mitigate animal and manure methane.  “Ireland has committed to reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. Research investment into novel methane reduction technologies through projects like MAGS is a central part of achieving these targets. An important aspect of the project is research collaboration, and I am pleased that the project coordinator, Dr Sinéad Waters, has brought together scientific partners from across the Island of Ireland to concentrate ideas, expertise and knowledge in a way that accelerates progress in these novel technologies.”  Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland, Andrew Muir MLA, welcoming the funding, said: “I am pleased that my Department is co-funding this research project with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, bringing together leading scientists from across the Island of Ireland to address, through cutting-edge science, greenhouse gas emissions from grazing livestock systems. Collaborative research funding of this nature is key in helping to underpin the future sustainability of dairy, beef and sheep systems, through the provision of evidence and new innovations to contribute to the required reductions of net greenhouse gas emissions in Northern Ireland by at least 48% by 2030 under the Climate Change Act.”      Agriculture contributes about 37% of Irish greenhouse gas emissions. Government has committed to reducing these farming related emissions by 25% by 2030, including a recommended 10% reduction in agri-methane.  Methane accounts for about 70% of emissions associated with agriculture, predominantly from methane produced in the gut of the animal as feed ferments in the rumen, while methane from manure and slurry are the third largest contributor to emissions from farms.  Methane Abatement in Grazing Systems  MAGS is an all-island initiative, with funding of €1.437m through the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s 2023 Research Stimulus Fund.   The project will develop, apply and validate a range of the most promising novel technologies, including breeding strategies, feed and manure additives to mitigate methane in beef and dairy farming.   Beef cattle in Teagasc Grange, Co Meath and Holstein Friesian dairy cows in AFBI, Hillsborough, Northern Ireland will be used to evaluate novel slow-release feed additives in combination with microbiome assisted genomic breeding values on animal performance, health and enteric methane emissions, while the effect of manure and slurry additives at farm-scale will also be monitored.  Feed  Various slow-release formats of an oxidising methane inhibitor, commercially known as RumenGlas and developed by Glasport Bio, will be evaluated, both on its own and in combination with a range of other promising feed additives for beef and dairy cattle. A trial in Teagasc Grange demonstrated that a pelleted format of the inhibitor reduced methane by 28% with no negative effects observed on animal performance or health.   Manure  The efficacy of a slurry additive, GasAbate, produced by GlasPort Bio, will be tested at farm-scale, with the aim of creating a blueprint for widespread agri-sector roll out.  Methane losses from stored manures account for c. 10% of Irish agricultural GHG emissions. No effective, widely implementable and commercially available mitigation solutions currently exist. But research has shown the GasAbate additive reduces methane losses from stored slurries by more than 80%.   Breeding  In conjunction with the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation, the MAGS project will develop and validate a selection and breeding programme for beef and dairy cattle that emit less methane which is produced from the gut during grazing.  Research by the project partners has already shown that some beef cattle can emit up to 30% less methane, for the same level of performance.   While the critical role that the rumen microbial community plays in methane emissions is acknowledged, the integration of microbiome data to improve genomic selection breeding of animals emitting lower methane emissions has not yet been applied in Ireland or internationally.    Dr Sinéad Waters, MAGS Project Lead and Lecturer in host microbiome interactions in the Environment at University of Galway, said: “Agriculture is Ireland’s oldest and largest indigenous industry but now faces major challenges in meeting the 2030 targets of a 25% reduction for farming-related greenhouse gas emissions. Strategies to mitigate methane emissions related to cattle and sheep need to be rapidly developed and implemented on farm to comply with these targets. With research partners and colleagues, and the support of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine our aim is to develop and deliver important solutions for the agri-food-industry to reduce methane from pasture-based farms. We have brought together a unique team of excellent scientists and industry partners whose collaboration can support the Irish agri-food sector and align with international initiatives such as the EU Methane Strategy and Global Methane Pledge.”  Professor Vincent O'Flaherty, Established Professor of Microbiology, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Galway, said: “Significant progress has been made in the development of real-world solutions to reduce Irish agricultural greenhouse gas emissions through DAFM-funded research. GasAbate slurry additive technology to reduce GHG emissions by more than 80% is now available for on-farm demonstration and the next phase of work through the MAGS project will provide additional evidence to support widespread adoption. Ireland’s pasture system provides unique challenges for the development of effective methane supressing feed additives, but the results from our work to date have been very encouraging, with greatly reduced enteric emissions demonstrated in beef cattle fed with commercially produced diets containing novel additives. The MAGS project will develop and refine slow-release feed additive formats that, in combination with advances in breeding strategies, can provide critical support to Ireland in meeting its agricultural GHG targets.”  Professor David Kenny, Head of Animal and Bioscience Research at Teagasc said: “We are excited to be involved in this hugely novel and multidisciplinary research project. The holistic combination of state-of-the-art genetic and dietary based methane mitigation strategies together with the focus on development of practical solutions for pasture-based beef and dairy production systems, bodes well for successful implementation of new technologies emanating from the project.”   Ends 

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

SMARTSHAPE consortium, led from University of Galway, will develop a disruptive technology sensor  The European Union has awarded a European consortium €4.4million for the SMARTSHAPE project to focus on developing an implantable medical device for continuous blood pressure monitoring. Hypertension is the leading global contributor to premature death, accounting for more than 9 million deaths a year. Elevated blood pressure is a chronic lifetime risk factor that can lead to serious cardiovascular events if undiagnosed or poorly controlled. Many high-risk patients require long-term monitoring to tailor drug treatments and improve healthcare outcomes, but there is no clinically accepted method of continuous beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring that patients can use outside of the hospital setting.  The SMARTSHAPE consortium is led by Professor William Wijns, a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded Research Professor in Interventional Cardiology at University of Galway’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. According to Professor Wijns: “The best innovations start with a clinical need. Patients who require monitoring are better off in their own homes rather than in a hospital setting. There is a huge market opportunity for a medical-grade, user-friendly, and minimally invasive solution for continuous blood pressure monitoring.” Professor Wijns is also a Funded Investigator at CÚRAM, the SFI research centre for medical devices based at University of Galway which focuses on developing biomedical implants, therapeutic and diagnostic devices that address the needs of patients living with chronic illness. Dr Atif Shahzad, joint director of the Smart Sensors Lab at the University of Galway and a research fellow at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research at the University of Birmingham, said: “Our SMARTSHAPE consortium has developed an IP-protected technologically disruptive sensor for continuous pressure measurement. There are challenges related to biocompatibility, longevity, and delivery to the target tissue, and these need to be overcome to deliver the sensor to the market.”  Dr Shahzad added: “This project will address these challenges by formulating an innovative biomaterial: a novel temperature-dependent shape memory polymer (SMP). SMPs will enable the development of a microsensor that can be curled up, introduced into the body through a minimally invasive procedure, and ‘opened up’ when placed at body temperature to take a predefined shape.” The consortium of eight partner institutions is led by the University of Galway and includes partners across Ireland, the UK, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic, consisting of two academic partners, two multinationals, one ISO-certified company, two SMEs and a patient collaboration company. Kevin Michels-Kim, chief executive of Merakoi, which facilitates patient collaboration in research. He said: “We are committed to putting the patient at the centre of SMARTSHAPE, allowing us to create novel solutions that truly meet the needs of patients. Merakoi will play a crucial role in the SMARTSHAPE consortium by integrating the patient voice across the product lifecycle. Our ability to harness deep patient understanding from the start enables the consortium to develop patient-beneficial solutions that maximise the adoption and impact of innovative technologies and devices.” Dr Sandra Ganly, Senior Research Fellow in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Research, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, at the University of Galway, said: “Blood pressure monitoring will represent the first SMARTSHAPE application. However, the potential of this sensing solution goes significantly beyond BP monitoring. Continuous physiological pressure monitoring can provide key information for early diagnosis, patient-specific treatment, and preventive healthcare in a wide range of healthcare indications. This will significantly broaden the potential and open avenues for other products and research innovation.” Ends

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Johnson & Johnson announced today its prestigious Women in STEM2D (WiSTEM2D) Undergraduate Award recipients from University of Galway. The Award recognises outstanding female students in STEM2D disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design. Each recipient will receive a student award, industry mentoring and leadership training, along with the opportunity to attend careers workshops, visit Johnson & Johnson sites and participate in WiSTEM2D events designed to support them with pursuing future STEM careers. The Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D programme fuels the development of the female STEM2D talent pipeline by awarding and sponsoring girls and women at critical points in their educational experience and their careers, in STEM disciplines. The Undergraduate programme was first introduced at University of Limerick in 2016. Since then, it has expanded to include University College Cork in 2018, University of Galway in 2021, and Munster Technological University in 2022, supporting more than 400 female students over the last 6 years. The University of Galway students selected to receive the scholarships are: Emer Nic Roibín; Bachelor of Science; Belfast; Co. Antrim Gemma O'Brien Hehir; Biomedical Engineering; Galway Laura Burke; Biomedical Engineering, Moycullen; Galway Laura Quinn; Bachelor of Arts (Mathematical Studies and Information Technology); Renmore, Galway Mairéad Rowland; Biomedical Science; Rossport, Ballina, Co. Mayo Niamh Corcoran; Biomedical Engineering; Leacarrow, Co. Roscommon Rebeccca Norris; Bachelor of Science; Athlone, Co. Westmeath Sarah Daves; Marine Science; Austin, Texas; USA Sophie Spellissy; Computer Science and Information Technology; Ennis, Co. Clare Syakira Amani Khairul Nazri; Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology); Waterford City Michael Gilvarry, General Manager at Cerenovus said:“I would like to congratulate the students who have been chosen as recipients of the WiSTEM2D award. I am sure that they will enjoy the benefits that the programme has them to offer in supporting career development, including visits to our facilities, and the opportunity to engage with a mentor. Johnson & Johnson recognises the importance of supporting women early in their careers, to aid the development of female STEM leaders for the future. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation and progress. That's why we are committed to supporting women in STEM, and providing them with the resources, opportunities, and support they need to succeed and thrive in their careers. Programmes like WiSTEM2D help allow us to partner with academic institutions to develop high-impact strategies, which can inspire and support the STEM workforce of the future.” University of Galway President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “We are delighted to strengthen our partnerships with industry and especially with Johnson & Johnson through initiatives such as the WiSTEM2D programme. We can achieve more together as the Irish term Meitheal suggests - describing how neighbours would come together to achieve a mutually better harvest. As access to tertiary education expands, we recognise that support for underrepresented students while they are part of our community is critical. Industry support for our underrepresented students in STEM can act as a catalyst to level the playing field, which is increasingly important against the backdrop of growing diversity in Ireland and the need to recognise and design for intersectionality in education. “The industry mentorship, provided as part of the programme, is a significant boon to our female student scientists, mathematicians and engineers and it is an essential ingredient, which energises them to address the world’s most pressing challenges, as framed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to innovate for our society, our people and our planet. We care about our students and their ambitions and we are guided by our values of openness, excellence, sustainability and respect in our role in shaping our students as the leaders of the future.” The awards ceremony was held in Áras Na Mac Léinn, University of Galway, and was also attended by Anna Rafferty, Director of Strategy, Johnson & Johnson Campus Ireland; Anna Lisa Smullin, Senior R&D Engineer and WiSTEM2D Lead at CERENOVUS; and Cara Feely, Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist at CERENOVUS. Recipients of the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Award scholarship were also presented with bespoke framed glass artwork created by Fermoy-based artist, Suzanne O’Sullivan. Ends

Monday, 30 January 2023

University of Galway’s student innovation hub, IdeasLab, has officially launched their Empathy Lab, a physical and virtual learning environment in the heart of campus.      The University of Galway Empathy Lab is the first of its kind in Europe and combines the science of human behaviour with the art of human centred design with Boston Scientific the inaugural enterprise partner.   It has been developed as part of the University’s Designing Futures project, which is funded under the Government’s Human Capital Initiative.   The University of Galway Empathy Lab will enable University of Galway students who want to come up with solutions to specific problems to understand the feelings and experiences of those affected.   Students will use new technologies including simulation suits; infant simulators; haptic gloves; scent masks.   Speaking about the Empathy Lab launch Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of University of Galway, said: “Respect is a core value of the University and the pathway to respect is paved with empathy and knowledge. Through the University of Galway Empathy Lab, we will work with our partners to further embed empathy as a core attribute that students can develop and practice - supporting and shaping our innovations, placing the lived experience and our society at the heart of what we create with and for others.”   Empathy is the common denominator at the heart of all great collaboration, invention and innovation - it is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference.   The University of Galway Empathy Lab will offer consideration of the deeper layers of the human experience, using technology and human simulation to capture the essence of our real, messy, human selves. It will focus on the how of empathy and developing empathic individuals and teams. Scholars describe empathy as a muscle; as such, it should be capable of growth and regeneration. Following this logic, the lab will use a variety of empathy training approaches to train and further develop students’ appreciation of empathy.   Martin Hynes and Richard Crawford of Boston Scientific are the inaugural enterprise partners who will work alongside students in 2023. Students and their mentors will experience multiple scenarios and simulations to create better ways to innovate with customers and patients in the area of endoscopy procedures.    Dr Natalie Walsh, Director of Entrepreneurial Development and co-lead of the Public Patient Involvement Ignite network in University of Galway, said: “The University of Galway Empathy Lab will take a multidimensional approach to experiences so that we better understand what people are feeling and how innovation can develop to respond to the needs and wants of our society. We will bring technology and people together to give our students unique insights and experiences that can shape future innovations and respond to our society’s most pressing needs.”   University of Galway will also launch a new Empathy in Action module which brings together expertise from across the campus and reflects the many voices and perspectives of empathy and create action oriented and empathetic future leaders and innovators. Empathy Lab and the new immersive learning environment is being supported through a funding award through the Bodyswaps & Meta's Immersive Soft Skills Education Grant. University of Galway’s IdeasLab was one of 100 educational institutions worldwide to be supported and will receive two Meta Quest 2 headsets and three months free access to Bodyswaps VR learning programs.  Dr Walsh added: “This will have a significant impact on soft skills for both students and staff. Building soft skills amongst students will allow higher education institutions around the world to level the playing field and boost opportunities for their students in the competitive global market.” According data from Bodyswaps, after using this kind of technology as part of their learning experience, 87% of learners report a significant improvement in their self-awareness and knowledge of how to improve their skills and 85% of learners report a significant improvement in their confidence to apply the simulated soft skills in real situations. Ends 

Monday, 30 January 2023

University of Galway’s postgraduate open evening takes place on campus, on Tuesday February 7, 2023, from 4.30pm-7.30pm, in the Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn. With more than 200 postgraduate courses on offer across a range of subjects including Humanities, Business, Law, Engineering, Science and Computer Science, Nursing, and Medicine and Health Sciences, the postgraduate event is a key event for those who want to broaden their skills-set, define their areas of expertise, increase their specialist knowledge and ultimately improve their job prospects. The informal networking event will showcase the suite of full-time and part-time postgraduate programmes available, including taught and research masters, as well as doctoral research options. Flexible, online, and blended learning options are also on offer. Academic staff will be available to meet prospective students to discuss study opportunities, entry requirements and career paths and postgraduate support staff will be on hand to discuss applications, admissions, scholarships and fees. The ‘Postgraduate Funding and Scholarships’ talk will present a range of schemes designed to make postgraduate study more affordable.  As part of University of Galway’s strategic focus on recognising excellence and success, EU students with first class honours in their undergraduate degree are eligible to apply for a €1,500 scholarship towards their taught master’s degree at the University. Emily Atkinson, graduate of the MSc in Consumer Psychology, who was awarded a scholarship said: “The postgraduate scholarship is a fantastic opportunity that rewards and incentivises the hard work it takes to achieve first class honours. The scholarship allowed me prioritise finding the right postgraduate course for me, and to focus on my studies during my masters.”  Valerie Leahy, Postgraduate Recruitment Officer, University of Galway, said: “We especially encourage visitors considering a return to university studies to attend our Postgraduate Open Day. Almost half of those applying to our postgraduate courses are not recent graduates, they are returning to study or upskill for their current job. “The value of a postgraduate qualification is proven in terms of improving employability and career progression, increasing lifetime earnings, learning invaluable transferable skills that employers value, and many of our courses also offer opportunities for placement and internships.” Booking in advance for the event is recommended and is available at  Ends

Monday, 30 January 2023

Beidh oíche oscailte iarchéime Ollscoil na Gaillimhe ar siúl ar an gcampas Dé Máirt, an 7 Feabhra 2023 ó 4.30pm-7.30pm i Halla Bailey Allen, Áras na Mac Léinn. Beidh níos mó ná 200 cúrsa iarchéime á dtairiscint ag oíche oscailte Ollscoil na Gaillimhe idir na Daonnachtaí, Gnó, Dlí, Innealtóireacht, Eolaíocht agus Ríomheolaíocht, Altranas, agus Leigheas agus na hEolaíochtaí Sláinte. Is imeacht tábhachtach é seo dóibh siúd ar mian leo a scileanna a leathnú, a réimsí saineolais a bheachtú, a saineolas a mhéadú agus a ndeiseanna fostaíochta a fheabhsú ar deireadh thiar. Beidh eolas le fáil faoi chláir iarchéime lánaimseartha agus pháirtaimseartha atá á dtairiscint san Ollscoil, lena n-áirítear máistreachtaí múinte agus taighde, agus roghanna taighde dochtúireachta. Tá roghanna foghlama solúbtha, ar líne agus cumaisc ar fáil freisin. Beidh cuid den fhoireann acadúil ar fáil chun bualadh le mic léinn ionchasacha chun deiseanna staidéir, riachtanais iontrála agus cosáin gairme a phlé agus beidh cuid den fhoireann tacaíochta iarchéime ar fáil chun iarratais, iontrálacha, scoláireachtaí agus táillí a phlé. Cuirfidh an chaint ‘Scoláireachtaí agus Maoiniú Iarchéime’ i láthair raon scéimeanna atá ann chun cuidiú le staidéar iarchéime a dhéanamh níos réasúnta. Mar chuid den fhócas straitéiseach atá ar bhunchéim ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe maidir le haitheantas a thabhairt d’fheabhas agus do rathúlacht, tá mic léinn de chuid an AE a bhfuil céadonóracha bainte amach acu ina mbunchéim i dteideal iarratas a dhéanamh ar scoláireacht €1,500 i dtreo a gcúrsa máistreachta múinte san Ollscoil. Dúirt Emily Atkinson, céimí de chuid an MSc in Consumer Psychology agus ar bronnadh scoláireacht uirthi, an méid seo a leanas: “Is deis iontach í an scoláireacht iarchéime a spreagann agus a thugann luach saothair don obair chrua a bhaineann le céadonóracha a bhaint amach. Thug an scoláireacht deis dom díriú ar an gcúrsa iarchéime ceart a aimsiú dom féin, agus díriú ar mo chuid staidéir le linn mo mháistreachta.” Dúirt Valerie Leahy, Oifigeach Earcaíochta Iarchéime, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Molaimid go háirithe do chuairteoirí atá ag smaoineamh ar fhilleadh ar staidéar ollscoile freastal ar ár Lá Oscailte Iarchéime. I gcás beagnach leath díobh siúd a chuireann isteach ar ár gcúrsaí iarchéime níl siad díreach tar éis céim a bhaint amach, tá siad ag filleadh ar an staidéar nó ag tabhairt faoi bhreisoiliúint dá bpost reatha. “Tá luach cáilíochta iarchéime cruthaithe i dtéarmaí infhostaitheachta agus dul chun cinn gairme a fheabhsú, tuilleamh saoil a mhéadú, scileanna inaistrithe luachmhara a fhoghlaim a bhfuil meas ag fostóirí orthu, agus cuireann go leor dár gcúrsaí deiseanna socrúcháin agus intéirneachtaí ar fáil freisin.” Moltar áit a chur in áirithe roimh ré agus is féidir é sin a dhéanamh ag Críoch

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Sheol Méara Chathair na Gaillimhe, an Comhairleoir Clodagh Higgins, dhá thionscnamh nua de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus Gaillimh le Gaeilge ag preasócáid a bhí ar siúl in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe le déanaí chun úsáid na Gaeilge labhartha a mhéadú i gcathair na Gaillimhe. Is príomhbhearta iad an dá thionscnamh seo atá leagtha amach sa Phlean Teanga do Chathair na Gaillimhe agus a bhfuil ról lárnach acu chun stádas mar ‘Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta’ a bhaint amach do Ghaillimh.   Faoi Acht na Gaeltachta 2012, sainmhínítear Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta mar na bailte sin atá suite i Limistéir Pleanála Teanga Ghaeltachta nó in aice leo. Tá Gaillimh le Gaeilge ag comhoibriú le Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe, le hOllscoil na Gaillimhe agus le páirtithe leasmhara tábhachtacha eile chun an próiseas a bhaineann leis an bPlean Teanga a chur i bhfeidhm sa chathair a éascú. Is é cuspóir Phlean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe, de réir pholasaí an Rialtais, cur le húsáid agus eolas cumarsáide na Gaeilge mar theanga pobail i gCathair na Gaillimhe ar bhonn incriminteach. Moltar sa phlean áis ar líne a fhorbairt a thabharfadh eolas faoi sheirbhísí Gaeilge na cathrach mar aon le suaitheantais chun cainteoirí Gaeilge a aithint. Is éard a dúirt Méara Chathair na Gaillimhe, an Comhairleoir Clodagh Higgins agus í ag labhairt ag an ócáid: “Tháinig an smaoineamh chun cinn arís i bPlean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe do shuaitheantas mar mholadh agus mar bhealach do Ghaeilgeoirí aithne a chur ar a chéile.  Cuirfidh na suaitheantais nua atá deartha ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, le húsáid na Gaeilge agus beidh an Ghaeilge níos feiceálaí. Tuigim go leathnófar an tionscnamh seo amach go cathair na Gaillimhe freisin agus measaim gur an-smaoineamh é sin. Tá lúcháir orm ‘An tEolaire - Seirbhís i nGaeilge’, cruthaithe ag Gaillimh le Gaeilge, a sheoladh inniu freisin. Is liosta cuimsitheach é seo de na gnólachtaí agus de na heagraíochtaí sa chathair atá in ann ‘seirbhís i nGaeilge’ a chur ar fáil – acmhainn úsáideach do dhuine ar bith ar mian leo a ngnó a dhéanamh trí Ghaeilge. Cuirfidh An tEolaire eolas ar fáil freisin maidir le himeachtaí Gaeilge atá ar tí tarlú sa chathair. ” Dúirt Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí na hOllscoile, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, go mbeifí in ann: “Freastal níos fearr agus níos leithne a dhéanamh ar phobal Gaeilge na hOllscoile’ mar go léireodh na suaitheantais ‘a mhéad daoine atá ag obair ar fud na hOllscoile a bhfuil ar a gcumas agus atá sásta seirbhísí a chur ar fáil i nGaeilge.  Léiríonn an taithí idirnáisiúnta nach leor seirbhísí dátheangacha a chur ar fáil lena chinntiú go mbainfear leas astu.  Ní mór iad a phoibliú agus deimhniú go bhfuil siad ar aon chaighdeán leis na seirbhísí atá ar fáil i mBéarla ionas go mbeidh daoine ar a gcompord á n-éileamh agus sin é go díreach atá uainn anseo san Ollscoil.”  Léirigh sé a shástacht faoin gcomhoibriú leanúnach idir an Ollscoil agus Gaillimh le Gaeilge freisin agus é ag tagairt don ról atá ag an Ollscoil i bhfeidhmiú Phlean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe. Is céim eile chun cinn é an tionscnamh nua seo ó thaobh Straitéis Gaeilge na hOllscoile chomh maith.  I measc na mbeart eile atá bainte amach ó seoladh Straitéis na Gaeilge 2021-2025 áirítear ceapachán Oifigeach Gaeilge na hOllscoile agus athsheoladh ar an Scéim Cónaitheachta Gaeilge. Den chéad uair riamh bronnadh scoláireachtaí ar an 16 mac léinn atá ag cur fúthu i dTeach na Gaeilge i mbliana.   Labhair Cathaoirleach Ghaillimh le Gaeilge, Bernadette Mullarkey, ag an ócáid freisin agus dúirt sí an méid seo a leanas: “Is céim thar a bheith nádúrtha agus tábhachtach é seoladh an dá thionscnamh seo inniu chun úsáid na Gaeilge a mhéadú i gCathair Dhátheangach na hÉireann. Tá lúcháir orainn a bheith ag obair i gcomhar le hOllscoil na Gaillimhe ar an tionscnamh seo agus tá muid ag tnúth go mór le bheith ag obair as lámh a chéile ar chomhfhiontair straitéiseacha fhéideartha eile amach anseo. “Tá an stádas chun ‘Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta’ a bhaint amach ar cheann de na príomhchuspóirí atá leagtha amach ag Gaillimh le Gaeilge sa straitéis nua do na trí bliana atá amach romhainn. Mholfainn d’aon duine atá in ann seirbhís i nGaeilge a chur ar fáil, é sin a chur in iúl do ‘chuile dhuine’ trí chlárú le Gaillimh le Gaeilge inniu. Tá sé chomh tábhachtach céanna go mbaineann gach Gaeilgeoir leas as an tseirbhís atá curtha ar fáil i nGaeilge agus go leanfadh siad ag cruthú éileamh ar a leithéid de sheirbhísí amach anseo.” Chuir sí in iúl go raibh  64 gnó agus eagraíocht liostáilte san Eolaire agus go raibh 96 duine cláraithe ann faoi láthair ó réimsí leathan earnálacha sa chathair. Ghabh  sí buíochas  le gach duine a chláraigh san Eolaire agus le príomhmhaointheoirí Ghaillimh le Gaeilge, An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Galtachta, Spóirt agus Meán a thug deontas aonuaire chun an tEolaire a fhorbairt. Má sholáthraíonn do ghnó/d’eagraíocht seirbhís i nGaeilge i gcathair na Gaillimhe agus más mian leat a bheith cláraithe ar an liosta, is féidir leat teagmháil a dhéanamh le Gaillimh le Gaeilge ag nó cuir glaoch ar 091 568876. Is féidir leat cuairt a thabhairt ar - agus foirm ghearr a chomhlánaú chun clárú san Eolaire. Críoch

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

The Mayor of the City of Galway, Cllr. Clodagh Higgins launched two new initiatives by University of Galway and Gaillimh le Gaeilge to increase the use of spoken Irish in Galway city at a press event in University of Galway recently. Both initiatives are key measures outlined in the Irish Language Plan for Galway City which have an instrumental role to play in achieving the status of ‘Gaeltacht Service Town’ for Galway. Under the Gaeltacht Act 2012, Gaeltacht Service Towns are defined as those towns situated in or adjacent to Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas. Gaillimh le Gaeilge is collaborating with Galway City Council, University of Galway and other key stakeholders to facilitate the process of implementing the Irish Language Plan in the city. The objective of the plan, in line with Government policy, is to increase on an incremental basis, the communicative use and knowledge of Irish in Galway city as a community language.  The plan includes the creation of a local directory, along with badges, to identify those who can speak Irish. Speaking at the event, the Mayor of the City of Galway Cllr. Clodagh Higgins said: “The idea of a badge came up again in Galway City’s Irish Language Plan as a suggestion, as a way for Irish speakers to get to know each other. The brooch pins which University of Galway have designed will contribute to the visibility and use of Irish and I understand that the initiative will also be extended to Galway city, which I believe is a great idea. I’m also delighted to launch ‘An tEolaire - Seirbhís i nGaeilge’  created by Gaillimh le Gaeilge. This is a comprehensive list of businesses and organizations in the city who can provide a ‘seirbhís i nGaeilge'– a useful  resource to anyone who wishes to conduct their business as Gaeilge. An tEolaire will also include information regarding upcoming Irish language events in the city. ” University of Galway’s Deputy President and Registrar, Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh, said: “This latest initiative will ensure that we can improve and broaden Irish language services for the Irish speaking University community as the new brooch pins will ensure that the large amount of staff members across the University who are providing services in Irish are easily identifiable.  It is evident from international experience that making bilingual services available does not ensure that they will be acquired. The services must be publicised and must be of equal standard to the English services so as to ensure that people are at ease requesting and availing of the services and that is exactly what we are striving for here. ” He also commended the ongoing collaboration between the University and Gaillimh le Gaeilge and spoke of the University’s role in the implementation of the Galway City Irish Language Plan. This new initiative is also significant in terms of the University’s Irish Language Strategy.  The appointment of the Irish Language Officer and the relaunching of the Irish Language Residential Scheme are among the other achievements which have been reached since the Strategy for the Irish Language 2021-2025 was launched.  For the first time ever, the sixteen Irish speaking students residing in Teach na Gaeilge were also awarded special scholarships this year. Chair of Gaillimh le Gaeilge Bernadette Mullarkey spoke at the event and said: “Launching these two initiatives today is a very natural and important step to increase the use and the position of the Irish language in Ireland’s Bilingual City. We are delighted to be working in collaboration with University of Galway on this initiative and we look forward to many other bilingual collaborations in the future. Gaining the status as a ‘Baile Seirbhíse Gaeltachta’ is one of Gaillimh le Gaeilge’s main objectives outlined in our new strategy for the next 3 years. I would encourage anyone who can provide a service as Gaeilge to let ‘everyone’ know about it by signing up with Gaillimh le Gaeilge today. It is also equally important that all Irish speakers avail of the Irish language service provided and continue to create a demand for such services into the future.” If your business / organisation provides a service in Irish in Galway city and you wish to be listed, you can contact Gaillimh le Gaeilge on or on 091 568876. You can also visit - and fill in the short online form to register for the Eolaire.  Ends

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Is cúis mhór áthais é d’Ionad Léann na hÉireann, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, a fhógairt go bhfuil Máirín Mhic Lochlainn ceaptha mar Ealaíontóir Cónaithe Scéalaíochta i mbliana.  Is as Ros an Mhíl ó dhúchas í Máirín agus tá sí ag cur fuithí in Indreabhán. Luann Máirín a hathair, Beartla Ó Maoileoin mar an chéad scéalaí a chuala sí agus tionchar a chuid léirithe drámatúla, a bhí uirthí.  Tá roinnt gradam scéalaíochta buaite ag Máirín, ina measc Corn Neidí Frainc ag Féile an Oireachtais. Tá Máirín tiomanta chun ceird na scéalaíochta a fhorbairt agus tá ceardlanna scéalaíochta á stiúradh aici ar fud na hÉireann, na Breataine Bige agus na Danmhairge. Cuimsíonn a stór scéalaíochta na Scéalta Fiannaíochta agus tá an-áthas uirthi an deis seo a fháil le forbairt cheird na scéalaíochta a chur chun cinn. Chuir an tOllamh Louis de Paor, Stiúrthóir Ionad Léann na hÉireann fáilte mhór roimh an gceapachán: “Deis iontach is ea é seo dúinne chun ealaín na scéalaíochta béil a aithint agus cumas neamhchoitianta Mháirín sa réimse sin den gcultúr dúchais a cheiliúradh. Táimid ag súil go mór le bheith ag obair ina teannta as seo go ceann bliana.”  Beidh sraith ceardlann cúig seachtaine á múineadh ag Máirín san Ollscoil san Earrach agus arís san Fhómhar. Beidh béim ar leith ar na Scéalta Fiannaíochta aici san Earrach.  Tá na cúig ceardlanna san Earrach saor in aisce agus beidh fáilte roimh chách. Beidh na ceardlanna ar siúl gach Déardaoin ag 7pm, ag tosnú ar an 2 Feabhra, san Ionad Léinn na hÉireann, 4 Bóthar na Drioglainne, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Is iad Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Údarás na Gaeltachta, An Chomhairle Ealaíon agus Ionad Léann na hÉireann, OÉ Gaillimh, a mhaoiníonn an tionscnamh seo.  Tuilleadh eolais ó Samantha Williams ag 091 492051 nó Críoch

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

University of Galway’s Centre for Irish Studies has announced the appointment of Máirín Mhic Lochlainn as Storyteller-in-Residence for this year.  Living in Indreabhán, Co. Galway, but originally from Rós a Mhíl, Máirín cites her father, Beartla Ó Maoileoin as the first storyteller that she heard and his dramatic renditions have had a long standing influence on her. Máirín has won several awards for story-telling including Corn Neidí Frainc at the Oireachtas festival. Developing the craft of story-telling is a mission for Máirín and she has conducted workshops in story-telling throughout Ireland, Wales and Denmark. Her story-telling repertoire includes the Scéalta Fiannaíochta and she is delighted at this opportunity to further the development of the craft of story-telling.  Professor Louis de Paor, Director of the Centre for Irish Studies welcomed the appointment: “This is a great opportunity for us to recognise the art of oral storytelling and to celebrate Máirín's particular ability in this area of our native culture. We are really looking forward to working with her for the next year.”  Máirín will teach a series of five workshops the University in early 2023 and a second series in the autumn. The spring workshops will focus in particular on the Scéalta Fiannaíochta.  The five spring workshops, which will be delivered through Irish, are free and open to the public and will run every Thursday, beginning Thursday 2 February, at 7pm at the Centre for Irish Studies, 4 Distillery Road, University of Galway.   This project is funded by Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Arts Council, in association with the Centre for Irish Studies at University of Galway. Further information contact Samantha Williams at 091 492051 or Ends

Monday, 23 January 2023

The global study, involving 5,869 patients from ICUs across 50 countries, recommends a systematic approach to reduce the duration of ventilation to improve risk of death A new study from University of Galway has found high death rates in weaning intensive care patients from ventilation.  During this clinical study, carried out in 50 countries, 35% of patients who required ventilation for longer than two days could not be successfully weaned from invasive mechanical ventilation.  The WEAN SAFE study is the first global study to describe the weaning process in detail, characterising different approaches used by physicians in regard to weaning for mechanical ventilation, and the impact of delayed and failed weaning from ventilation, in patients requiring at least two days of invasive ventilation.  The study was funded by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and by the European Respiratory Society, and performed by a consortium of investigators from 481 ICUs across 50 countries.  The research was published recently in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.  Weaning in the context of invasive ventilation for ICU patients is the process of decreasing the degree of ventilator support and allowing the patient to take on a greater proportion of their ventilation independent of machinery - for example spontaneous breathing trials or a gradual reduction in machinery support.  A patient is successfully weaned from invasive ventilation when the invasive ventilator support is completely removed.  The study found that successful weaning of patients from invasive mechanical ventilation represents a crucial step in the recovery process following severe respiratory failure. Many of the serious complications of mechanical ventilation are directly related to the duration of ventilation.  Professor John Laffey, Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at University of Galway’s College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, and Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Galway University Hospitals, explained: “Where the process of weaning becomes prolonged, the risk of dying and of increased length of stay in intensive care and hospital increases substantially. In terms of longer term outcomes, older age and the duration of ventilation are the strongest predictors of survival and quality of life at one year following critical illness.” Professor Laffey added: “Despite the importance of the weaning process, this area is not well studied. Our research on this clinical practice is the largest study to date to offer data relating weaning practices to outcomes from invasive mechanical ventilation in a global cohort of patients at risk for prolonged weaning and/or weaning failure.” It was found that of the patients enrolled in the study: :: 30% died in the ICU, while 38% died in hospital. Of patients who did not successfully wean from ventilation, 78% died in the ICU. :: Of patients who entered the weaning process, 65% had a short wean (≤1 day), 10% had intermediate (2-6 days) weaning, 10% had a prolonged (≥ 7 days) weaning duration, while 16% ultimately failed (i.e., died, were transferred or still invasively ventilated at day 90).  :: Higher sedation levels were independently associated with delays in initiating weaning from the ventilator. Higher sedation levels and a delay in initiating ventilator separation were potentially modifiable factors independently associated with weaning failure. Researchers involved in the  global study said its findings can help shape clinical approaches relating to weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation. They also noted that future studies to develop strategies to reduce weaning delays, and optimize patient sedation levels, should improve survival in patients weaning from ventilation. Ends 

Monday, 23 January 2023

Researchers conducted the first study of its kind in Ireland, investigating the background level of exposure to the herbicide  About one quarter of those tested found to have low levels of exposure of the chemical glyphosate Scientists at University of Galway investigating exposure to glyphosate in families have detected low level traces of the controversial herbicide in a quarter of people tested. The IMAGE research project ran from 2019 to 2020 and is the first of its kind to investigate levels of background exposure to glyphosate among Irish households. Led by Exposure Science researchers at University of Galway, in collaboration with the Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine in Bochum, Germany and the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt-UBA), the study tested urine samples collected from farm and non-farm families for the presence of glyphosate and its main human metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Dr Alison Connolly, exposure scientist who conducted the research while at University of Galway, said: "This study produced important results on human exposures to a chemical of public concern and is particularly timely with the European Commission currently re-evaluating glyphosate.  “Though the quantifiable levels were low, it is essential to understand how chemical exposures can occur among different groups, particularly vulnerable people such as children. This information is necessary for conducting robust regulatory risk assessments, managing exposure levels, and fully understanding their effect on human health. This study also demonstrated how beneficial human biomonitoring is for evaluating chemical exposures.”  Dr Marie Coggins, Senior Lecturer in Exposure Science at University of Galway, said: “The glyphosate exposure data published in the IMAGE study is relevant as the European Commission evaluate their renewal assessment for this controversial pesticide.  “Although the exposure data reported is low compared to the current acceptable daily intake value set by EFSA, our risk assessment could change following the publication of EFSAs renewal assessment in early 2023. Furthermore, the data suggests that occupational users may have a slightly higher exposure than background levels, which could and should be reduced further by substitution with less harmful methods, careful chemical handling practices and the use of exposure controls such as personal protective equipment.” - Why was the study carried out?  The research was carried out as a European project on Human Biomonitoring, the HBM4EU project, has identified a number of priority substances, including both glyphosate and AMPA, for which further information on human exposure is required to better understand the risk to human health. HBM4EU called for more research, such as the University of Galway’s IMAGE study, to characterise population exposures to chemicals such as pesticides.  - What does the study show?  A total of 68 families took part – 14 of whom were living on farms, with one of those family members spraying glyphosate-based pesticide. The study analysed tests from 226 people along with detailed dietary and lifestyle questionnaire.  Glyphosate was detectable in 26% of samples. AMPA was detectable in 59% of samples.  The daily intakes for participants were back-calculated from urinary glyphosate concentrations and compared to the acceptable daily intake. Calculated intakes were equivalent to 3% or less of the EFSA acceptable level. There was no statistical difference between farm and non-farm families' exposures, though higher concentrations were detected among some fathers living on farms, likely because they sprayed glyphosate-based pesticide products the day before sampling.  Researchers said the higher detection frequency for AMPA may be due to dietary exposure, i.e. from residues on foods and water.  They also found maximum exposures to glyphosate are low compared to the current acceptable daily intake set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) without presenting an appreciable health risk.  - What next? The global scientific community has still not reached a consensus on the potential carcinogenic health effects of glyphosate. However, EFSA currently concludes that glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans and the results of this study are interpreted using the current EFSA acceptable daily intake. This study will enhance Europe's understanding of glyphosate exposures among different demographic groups and contribute to scientific knowledge on exposures required for regulatory risk assessments, currently under re-evaluation by the European Commission with results due in 2023.  Glyphosate Glyphosate is the active ingredient in over 750 products, including Roundup®. More of this herbicide is used around the world than any other, to combat weeds, as a pre-harvest drying treatment on certain food crops, in home gardens and in parks, public spaces, lawns, gardens and roadsides.  There has been much controversy over the potential adverse health effects of this commonly used pesticide.  Dietary exposure to pesticides can occur through ingestion of residues (i.e. glyphosate) on fruit, vegetables, grains and contaminated water or via skin contact or inhalation exposure during home use of glyphosate-based pesticide products. The debates significantly increased when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as “Group 2A – probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015.  The European Chemical Agency’s (ECHA) Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) have classified glyphosate as causing serious eye damage and being toxic to aquatic life. It has stated that it is not justified to classify glyphosate as a carcinogen. Glyphosate is currently approved for use in the EU, an approval which is under review by the European Commission. The final EFSA conclusion is expected in July 2023.  Ends

Monday, 23 January 2023

University of Galway and the Mary Robinson Centre will host the first Mary Robinson Climate Conference this summer. The event takes place on July 6th and 7th, 2023, in Ballina, Co Mayo. Mary Robinson said: “This situation must not lead us to despair, rather it should propel us into action.”  Dr Gordon Bromley, Lecturer in Physical Geography & Climate at University of Galway, said: “Climate change is the greatest socio-economic force of the 21st Century, creating uncertainty and threatening to undermine basic societal foundations. As we stand at this critical juncture – seeking to prevent, mitigate, and adapt to global warming – the time is ripe and the need is clear to chart our awareness into truly new waters and to use our collective knowledge to better plan for the future.” In the spirit of this view, the Mary Robinson Climate Conference will bring together voices from all sectors of academia and society to share climate-related research and discuss pathways for a sustainable future in an inclusive multidisciplinary forum. The schedule will feature presentations, discussions, roundtables, and workshops related to the impact of climate change on the physical, social, cultural, political, health, and economic environments of our planet and ways to address it. The call for session proposals is now open. Suggestions are invited from a wide spectrum of disciplines.  For more information, please visit the conference website. Ends

Friday, 20 January 2023

Digital microbe database unlocks patient response to treatment for diseases such as Parkinson’s and colorectal cancer Researchers at University of Galway associated with APC Microbiome Ireland, a world-leading SFI Research Centre, have created a resource of over 7,000 digital microbes – enabling computer simulations of how drug treatments work and how patients may respond. The resource is a milestone in scientific understanding of human response to medical treatment as it offers the opportunity for computer simulations and predictions of differences in metabolism between individuals, including for diseases such as inflammatory bowel, Parkinson’s and colorectal cancer. The database  - called AGORA2 - builds on the expertise developed in the creation of first resource of digital microbes known as AGORA1. AGORA2 encompasses 7,203 digital microbes, created based on experimental knowledge from scientific publications, with a particular focus on drug metabolism.  The resource has been built by a team of scientists at University of Galway’s Molecular Systems Physiology group, led by APC Microbiome Ireland principal investigator Professor Ines Thiele. The team’s research aims to advance precision medicine by using computational modelling.  Professor Thiele explained: “AGORA2 is a milestone towards personalised, predictive computer simulations enabling the analysis of person-microbiome-drug interactions for precision medicine applications. “Humans are hosting a myriad of microbes. Just like us, these microbes eat and interact with their environment. Considering that we are all unique, each of us hosting an individual microbiome our metabolism is also expected to vary between individuals.  “The insight provided by the database of digital microbes presents a healthcare opportunity to harness individual differences in metabolism to provide personalised, improved treatments in ‘precision medicine’, compared to a currently more general ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. “Besides our food, our individual microbiomes also metabolise the medicines we take. The same drug may therefore manifest diverse effects in disparate people because of the differences in metabolism performed by the different microbiomes.” Using the digital microbe resource AGORA2, computer simulations have shown that drug metabolism varies significantly between individuals, as driven by their own microbiomes.  Uniquely, the AGORA2-based computer simulations enabled the identification of microbes and metabolic processes for individual drugs correlated with observations in a clinical setting.  The research was published today in Nature Biotechnology.  The team at University of Galway demonstrated that AGORA2 enables personalised, strain-resolved modelling by predicting the drug conversion potential of the gut microbiomes from 616 colorectal cancer patients and controls, which greatly varied between individuals and correlated with age, sex, body mass index and disease stages. This means that the team can create digital representations and predictions specific to the divergent microbes. Professor Thiele added: “Knowledge of our individual microbiomes and their drug metabolising capabilities represents a precision medicine opportunity to tailor drug treatments to an individual to maximise health benefit while minimising side effects. “By using AGORA2 in computer simulations our team have showed that the resulting metabolic predictions enabled superior performance compared to what was possible to date.” Professor Paul Ross, Director of APC Microbiome Ireland, said: “This research is a perfect illustration of the power of computational approaches to enhance our understanding of the role of microbes in health and disease – significantly this digital platform will be a fantastic resource that could lead to the development of novel personalised therapeutic approaches which take the microbiome into account.”  This work was led by University of Galway and completed as part of a collaboration between many international institutions, including the Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Lorraine, and University Medicine Greifswald. Ends

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Inter-professional Simulation and Skills Facility recognised as European Centre for Multispecialty Skills University of Galway’s healthcare and patient safety simulation facility - the Irish Centre for Applied Patient Safety and Simulation (ICAPSS) - has secured accreditation as part of the Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe (NASCE).  The inter-professional simulation and skills facility, based at the University’s School of Medicine, has also been identified by NASCE as a European centre for multispecialty skills.  The simulation facility provides clinical and procedural skills training for medical, nursing and health sciences students and staff at Saolta University Healthcare Group.  The simulation staff and facility itself are now accredited in the USA, Europe and UK and are the recent recipients of an AMEE Aspire to Excellence award for simulation.  Commenting on the accreditation, Professor Isabelle Van Herzeele of Ghent University Hospital, chair of the NASCE accreditation board, commented that the facility was "rated highly and will become an important member of the NASCE network.” The review team commended the broad range of educational activities being delivered at the facility, using up-to-date simulation modalities across undergraduate and postgraduate levels and the excellent facilities and equipment, with multiple flexible learning spaces. The review team also commended the centre leadership, technical support staff and the team’s dedication to multidisciplinary team training and high level of experience and expertise.  Professor of Simulation Education Dara Byrne, who leads the ICAPSS team, said: "We deliver very high quality inter-professional translational simulation across the continuum of healthcare professions' education and accreditation is an important part of what we do. It means that the quality of our work and services are being recognised on an international stage.  “Learners are benefitting from immersive interactive learning in a safe learning environment that bridges the gap between being a student and working as a health professional. This supports their transition to clinical practice and working through improving capabilities and confidence.  “Our accreditations across Europe, the UK and the US places us at the top of the league when it comes to simulation-based education and research. I am delighted with the outcome of the accreditation process and proud of the team who have made this possible.”   The Simulation facility was officially opened in 2022 by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly T.D., and has since made huge strides in innovative and modern health professions’ education. The activities reach the undergraduate, postgraduate and life-long learner across the continuum of the healthcare and across all health professions.  Professor Byrne added: “One of the next ambitions of our centre is to expand our reach out into the community and to support patients and carers who have medical devices in the home. We also aim to provide interprofessional taster programmes for second level students that will give them a flavour of healthcare programmes and modern health professions’ education prior to making choices about their future careers.” Ends

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

 Researchers outline how the building blocks of DNA can boost penicillin-type antibiotics in fight against MRSA Scientists at University of Galway have detailed a new discovery with the potential to improve treatment options for superbug MRSA infections with penicillin-type antibiotics that have become ineffective on their own. The research has been published in the flagship journal of the American Society for Microbiology, mBio. Professor James P O’Gara and Dr Merve S Zeden in the School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Galway, led the study. Professor of Microbiology James O’Gara said: “This discovery is important because it has revealed a potentially new way to treat MRSA infections with penicillin-type drugs, which remain the safest and most effective antibiotics.” The antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis is one of the greatest threats to human health with superbugs like MRSA placing a significant burden on global healthcare resources.  The microbiology research team at University of Galway showed that MRSA could be much more efficiently killed by penicillin-type antibiotics when combined with purines, which are the building blocks for DNA.  Dr Zeden said: “Purine nucleosides, Adenosine, Xanthosine, Guanosine are sugar versions of the building blocks of DNA, and our work showed that they interfere with signalling systems in the bacterial cell which are required for antibiotic resistance.” This study was recently highlighted in the American Society for Microbiology’s This Week in Microbiology (TWiM) podcast The discussion noted the drugs derived from purines are already used to treat some viral infections and cancers. Aaron Nolan is a PhD student at University of Galway and was co-first author on the paper. He said: “Finding new ways to re-sensitize superbugs to currently licenced antibiotics is a crucial part of efforts to tackle the AMR crisis. Our research implicated the potential of purine nucleosides in re-sensitizing MRSA to penicillin-type antibiotics”  This research, which was funded by the Health Research Board, Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Research Council, was conducted in collaboration with scientists at Imperial College London and the University of Sheffield. The full paper can be accessed here. Ends

Friday, 13 January 2023

NI Mental Health Champion, Derry Mayor and others attend Atlantic Futures Launch in the Guildhall, Derry~Londonderry today A major €4million four-year cross-border research partnership has been launched to research and address structural and societal imbalances across the North West Atlantic Innovation Corridor. The Atlantic Futures Project is a collaboration between Ulster University, University of Galway, Atlantic Technological University and University of Limerick for sustainable regional development to make a real world impact on aspects of industry and civic society in the North West Atlantic Innovation Corridor region.  Announced in March, the flagship project has seen the creation of a research team organised in three co-located hubs in Derry/Londonderry, Galway and Limerick, working to understand and address issues which uniquely affect this section of the Atlantic corridor, namely: relative slow economic growth; low levels of female entrepreneurship; higher rates of mental health difficulties among young people than ever before; barriers to digitalisation in rural areas; and issues with international freight connectivity with no state ports or airports in the region. The large-scale social science research will seek to examine these issues based on three themes with six working projects in order to face into and embrace digital, green and energy transitions and to focus efforts on societal, business and community outcomes: Theme 1: Innovation in Regional Context Project I: comparing rural entrepreneurial ecosystems with those in small towns/cities to identify bottlenecks and work with agencies to take action Project II: identifying successful management practices in scaling businesses and running masterclasses with organisations along the corridor   Theme 2: Institutional and Cultural Factors – those that affect this region’s innovation opportunities:  Project I: fostering female entrepreneurship along the West Coast – looking at external factors that have impacted negatively (Brexit, COVID-19, lack of funding), partnering with female entrepreneurship programmes and delivering a mentorship programme  Project II: mental health as a public good – looking at new ways to respond to young people’s needs: developing new digital tools and early intervention in the community with partner agencies Theme 3: Technological and Infrastructural Opportunities and Challenges Project I: Digitalisation: establishing the challenges and opportunities for digital transformation in rural areas and looking at the links between changing skills needs and regional innovation and economic performance to embrace digitalisation and inform policy Project II: International freight connectivity in the North-West and its implications for regional competitiveness, outlining ways to enhance connectivity by road, rail and air. Each project engages with partners in civil society, business, and government, with many major partners being involved across several projects.  Industry stakeholders and partner agency representatives such as InterTrade Ireland, Catalyst, the NI Mental Health Champion, Airporter, FTA Ireland, and Causeway Chamber will join with Derry’s Mayor Sandra Duffy to discuss these themes and explore solutions to challenges and the opportunities to maximise benefits for communities along the corridor. Liam Maguire, PVC Research, Ulster University commented: “Atlantic Futures combines the significant research prowess of the four institutions to advance challenges in this distinct region. Our collective work aligns closely with national goals set out by both governments in the New Decade New Approach in Northern Ireland and the National Development Plan in the Republic of Ireland. Namely, of a regionally balanced economy which is common to both, a high quality international transport connectivity (NDP) and exploring digital connectivity and infrastructure (NDNA). From our progressive Derry~Londonderry campus, we are uniquely placed to contribute to this regional partnership, through research that can drive forward practical solutions for the benefit of individuals, organisations and communities. We look forward to collaborating with our colleagues in Galway, Limerick and ATU.”  Jim Livesey, Vice-President Research and Innovation, University of Galway, said: “Our ambition is large and clear: we want Atlantic Futures to be recognised internationally for understanding what drives economic, social and cultural aspects of life in the region, on the edge of Europe. This project is a big responsibility and we want to see it make a tangible difference with research in action such as mentoring for female entrepreneurs and management masterclasses along with focus groups and information from the people who live and work in the region. This brand new cross-border data and the insights it uncovers will be shared with others carrying out similar work in Europe and beyond, to help inform similar programmes for sustainable regional development.” Professor Norelee Kennedy, Vice-President Research at University of Limerick said: “We want our research to have an impact in the area. We are working together to achieve four outcomes. They are the alignment of the research capacity of the leading research institutions along the west coast of the island of Ireland around the problems of transition and transformation in our shared region; development of a body of research to inform policy, co-created with relevant stakeholders addressing specific salient issues affecting the three city region; garnering new and robust insights into the developmental pathways for multi-city regional transformation; and understanding the role inter-cultural understanding and misunderstanding plays in cross-border collaboration and co-ordination.” Dr Rick Officer, Vice-President for Research and Innovation based at ATU’s Galway City campus is enthusiastic about the programme: “The Atlantic Futures programme will foster sustainable innovation along the island’s Atlantic coast, from the western counties of Northern Ireland and Donegal down to the Shannon Estuary. Atlantic Futures will focus on addressing challenges experienced by these areas, such as retention of local talent, over-reliance on foreign direct investment, and a lack of indigenous small and medium-sized enterprise growth. This Atlantic corridor has high-performing economic sectors such as the MedTech, FinTech and Advanced Manufacturing, but it also faces problems including housing, and persistent loss of talent to other regions. Previous models of economic and social transition have focussed on metropolitan centres. Atlantic Futures differs in its focus. Our ambitious programme will take a multi-pronged approach to identifying obstacles to sustainable innovation in the region and ways to support its development. The programme focusses on how a complex, distributed, and multi-city region, such as the cross-border, west and north-west of Ireland, can successfully foster sustainable innovation.“ The North-South Research Programme is a collaborative scheme funded through the Government’s Shared Island Fund. It is being administered by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.  Ends

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

FLIARA - Female Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas to identify visions for sustainable farm and rural futures  University of Galway is to lead a new research project running across 10 countries in Europe focusing on enhancing the role of women in agriculture, rural life and affairs.  The Horizon Europe project, FLIARA, which stands for Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas proposes a unique and innovative approach to improve understanding, awareness and recognition of women’s role in a more sustainable rural future, as well as developing more effective policy and governance frameworks that can support and enhance the capacity of women who live and work in these areas to contribute to it.  Launching the FLIARA project, President of University of Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “At University of Galway, we are here for the public good. This project speaks to that mission in such an important aspect of the lived experience of women in our rural communities. We give credit here to our colleagues in their work respecting the role of women in sustaining and maintaining rural life for the generations which have gone before us and how they are key to renewing it today and into the future. In particular, the winning of Horizon Europe funding for this project is testament to the excellence of the work and to its significance not only in Ireland but more generally. Tréaslaím leis an obair agus guím gach rath ar an togra thábhachtach seo.” The project is being led at University of Galway by Associate Professor Maura Farrell.  Outlining the vision for the project, Professor Farrell said: “To overcome Europe’s rural challenges and embrace potential opportunities, there is a need for all individuals and communities to participate in rural innovation.  “Traditionally, rural women’s employment opportunities and contribution to innovation has been overshadowed, and often suppressed, by a patriarchal ethos.” Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme, FLIARA is a three year project, which aims to combine futures and case study methods, alongside network building and policy benchmarking, while being underpinned by a co-created conceptual and assessment framework. It will actively involve female farmers and female rural entrepreneurs.  FLIARA will identify visions for sustainable farm and rural futures and the sustainability innovations needed to realise these visions.  Researchers will also investigate women-led innovations on farms and in wider rural areas looking at their pathways in the innovation ecosystem. Building on the power of social networks, a series of Community of Practice networks will bring together female rural innovators identified throughout the case study process.  Professor Farrell added: “Community of Practice Networks will occur in conjunction with a Campaign of Visibility for women-led rural innovations, spotlighting women as key innovation actors. Project outcomes will result in end-user ready resources, including policy proposals and practical tools supporting women-led innovation.” The FLIARA project is led by a research team from the University of Galway’s School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies, including Associate Professor Maura Farrell (Principle Investigator); Louise Weir (Project Manager and Research Associate); Dr Aisling Murtagh (Postdoctoral Researcher); Dr Shane Conway (Postdoctoral Researcher) and additional Geography colleagues, Associate Professor Marie Mahon, Associate Professor John McDonagh and Dr Therese Conway.  The diverse project partnership, includes universities, SMEs and other practitioners across ten EU countries.  Ends

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Professor Peter Doran joins University of Galway with extensive experience in leading clinical research University of Galway has appointed Professor Peter Doran as the new director of a clinical trials institute. This new institute will transform the University’s ability to evaluate cutting-edge clinical treatments, medical diagnostics and preventative therapies.  University President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “We are delighted to welcome Professor Peter Doran to University of Galway and to the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences where he will lead the new clinical trials institute.   “As a cornerstone of our research architecture, this institute led by Professor Doran, will give further impetus and focus to translating our research discoveries from the lab-bench to the bedside and builds on our considerable strengths in Medical Technologies and Advanced Therapies.” Professor Peter Doran earned his BSc from Dublin City University in 1998 and his PhD from University College Dublin in 2001. He was the founding Director of the UCD Clinical Research Centre. Under his leadership the UCD CRC has developed an internationally renowned clinical research programme which supports investigators to ask clinically impactful research questions in a quality assured, scientifically excellent and patient focused environment.   Professor Peter Doran said:  “The development of the clinical trials institute at the University of Galway will have impact locally, nationally and globally.  “Our research programme will tackle the major health issues facing society today and into the future. By developing and growing linkages with our clinical partners in Saolta, with Community Health Organisation Area 2 and with industry we will ensure that today’s health research becomes tomorrow’s healthcare. We will leverage our current expertise and experience to ensure Galway is the national lead in clinical research.” Professor Doran leads a significant biomarker research programme and has established a high throughput biomarker validation laboratory, which is contributing to major national and international end organ damage biomarker studies, reflecting his research interests in the molecular drivers of organ damage, biomarker discovery and translation to practice.   In addition, he established the graduate taught programme in clinical and translational research which includes a suite of programmes designed to address the career stage specific education and training requirements of clinical research personnel.   Professor Doran has also served as Associate Dean for Research at the UCD School of Medicine, Vice-Principal for Research at the UCD College of Health & Agricultural Science and Director of the Ireland East Hospital Group research network.  Ends

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Collaborative research between University of Galway and Brunel University London has found that patients with severe and complicated obesity respond differently to a dietary weight loss programme based on their genes. The GERONIMO project studied patients attending the obesity clinic at Galway University Hospital who were undergoing an intensive short-term programme of medically supervised dietary restriction in order to attempt to reverse some of the medical problems with severe obesity.  During the research scientists were able to analyse small variations in hundreds of genes that are known to be associated with obesity. By combining information from these measured gene variations together, a “genetic risk score” was calculated for six different obesity-related traits. Professor Francis Finucane, senior lecturer in the School of Medicine at University of Galway and Consultant Endocrinologist at Galway University Hospitals who led the clinical study, said: “Mechanistic studies like these, which help us to understand why some people respond better than others to the same intervention, are really important in providing more personalised and effective treatments for people with obesity.  “We know that in general, heritability and ‘genetics’ play a huge role in influencing body weight and the risk of obesity-related complications like diabetes, but finding the genes that account for this risk has been a challenge.” Professor Alex Blakemore, Professor in Human Genomics at Brunel University London, said: “No-one chooses their genes, so, as a society, we need to recognise that when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, the challenge is greater for some people than for others. This study reveals just a small part of the picture of how our genes can help or hinder us in reaching our health goals.”  The GERONIMO project involved 93 patients who volunteered for the study. They were monitored while taking part in a meal replacement programme.  Their average body mass index at the start of the study was 52kgm-2, which means that they weighed more than twice their maximum ‘healthy weight’.  The participants lost an average of 16% of their body weight, or 21kg after 24 weeks.  The research found that that the “waist hip ratio” genetic risk score, which measures an individual’s genetic tendency to hold on to central or abdominal fat, was associated with less weight loss after the intervention. Speaking about next stages in the research Professor Finucane said: “This work is exciting and important because it is the first Irish study to demonstrate a genetic effect on the response to a treatment for obesity.  “The genetic effects we found here were subtle, but we think it would be good to explore this further, in larger studies and with different obesity treatments, such as drug therapy or ‘metabolic surgery’.” Ends

Friday, 6 January 2023

Reáchtálfaidh Ionad Rochtana Ollscoil na Gaillimhe an oíche eolais bhliantúil sin a dhíreoidh ar riachtanais na mac léinn lánfhásta agus na bhfoghlaimeoirí fásta atá ag smaoineamh ar thabhairt faoi staidéar lánaimseartha nó páirtaimseartha don bhliain acadúil 2023-24. Beidh an oíche eolais ar siúl Dé Céadaoin, an 11 Eanáir 2023, ó 6.30pm – 9pm ar an gcampas san Institiúid Cúrsa Saoil agus Sochaí, Bóthar an Chaisleáin Nua Uachtarach, Gaillimh. Tá an ócáid dírithe go háirithe orthu siúd atá 23 bliain d’aois nó níos sine atá ag iarraidh tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi na roghanna staidéir atá ar fáil in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Beidh deis ag an lucht freastail ceisteanna a chur ar mhic léinn lánfhásta reatha agus ar shaineolaithe na gcúrsaí a chabhróidh leo cinneadh a dhéanamh faoi na roghanna is fearr a oireann dá gcúinsí pearsanta agus dá riachtanais forbartha gairmiúla. Dúirt Kathleen Hartigan, Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Lánfhásta san Ionad Rochtana: “Tá an-áthas orainn i mbliana a bheith ar ais ar an gcampas don ócáid seo agus blaiseadh den ollscoil a thabhairt do mhic léinn ionchasacha leis na cainteanna atá beartaithe againn, agus an deis labhairt le mic léinn reatha go díreach. Tugann an ócáid seo an t-eolas riachtanach dóibh chun cabhrú leo an rogha oideachais is fearr a oireann dóibh féin a dhéanamh in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe.” Beidh comhaltaí foirne ó chúrsaí fochéime agus iarchéime Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, mar aon le hionadaithe ó Sheirbhísí Mac Léinn na hOllscoile, ar fáil freisin chun treoir a thabhairt don lucht freastail maidir leis an raon cúrsaí agus tacaíochtaí atá ar fáil. Beidh an fhoireann acadúil i láthair freisin chun ceisteanna sonracha a fhreagairt maidir le céimeanna agus bealaí chun cinn. Beidh baill d’fhoireann an Ionaid Rochtana ar fáil chun ceisteanna a fhreagairt faoi chúrsaí réamh-ollscoile ar nós Cláir Rochtana agus Tacaíocht Mhíchumais dóibh siúd a bhfuil riocht sláinte (fisiciúil nó meabhrach) fadtéarmach orthu, nó a bhfuil deacracht shonrach foghlama acu. Déanfaidh Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha na hOllscoile cur i láthair a dhíreoidh ar an gcúrsa staidéir is fearr a oireann do chúinsí aonair agus do bhealaí gairme. Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil agus clárú ag Críoch